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Cassidy Wood


Cassidy Wood uncovers the tiny yet significant world of prehistoric insects. Her research on amber-preserved specimens has revealed intricate details about ancient ecosystems.

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Hypacrosaurus ‭(‬near the highest lizard‭)‬.



Named By


Chordata,‭ ‬Reptilia,‭ ‬Dinosauria,‭ ‬Ornithischia,‭ ‬Ornithopoda,‭ ‬Hadrosauridae,‭ ‬Lambeosaurinae.




H.‭ ‬altispinus‭


Up to ‬9.1‭ ‬meters long.

Known locations

Canada‭ ‬-‭ ‬Alberta‭ ‬-‭ ‬Horseshoe Canyon Formation.‭ ‬USA‭ ‬-‭ ‬Montana‭ ‬-‭ ‬Two Medicine Formation.

Time Period

Campanian to early Maastrichtian of the Cretaceous.

Fossil representation

Multiple skulls and partial post cranial‭ ‬remains.‭ ‬Eggs and Juvenile specimens also known.

In Depth

       Hypacrosaurus means‭ ‘‬near the highest lizard‭’‬,‭ ‬and in this context the‭ ‘‬lizard‭’ ‬was actually the dinosaur Tyrannosaurus,‭ ‬one of the largest dinosaurs in the ecosystems of late Cretaceous North America,‭ ‬but only about a third larger than Hypacrosaurus in the largest individuals‭ (‬twelve meters for large individual Tyrannosaurus compared to nine meters for Hypacrosaurus‭)‬.‭ ‬Interestingly Hypacrosaurus and other dinosaurs like it may have actually been prey to Tyrannosaurus and other related genera such as Albertosaurus.‭ ‬Evidence for this comes from a huge bite wound inflicted to the back of an Edmontosaurus that closely matches the shape of a Tyrannosaurus mouth.‭ ‬Because the bones in the wound actually healed afterwards,‭ ‬this proves that the Edmontosaurus in question was alive when it happened,‭ ‬and not a case of a tyrannosaur simply scavenging an existing carcass.

       The type species name of H.‭ ‬altispinus is a reference to the tall neural spines of the vertebrae.‭ ‬These tall spines would have significantly increased the height of the body and may have been to facilitate a display function,‭ ‬fat storage for leaner times,‭ ‬to perhaps being to help with activities for swimming‭ (‬as has been proposed for Magnapaulia‭)‬.‭ ‬H.‭ ‬stebingeri is significantly important since this is so far made up from the remains of juveniles and eggs that when combined with data from other hadrosaurid genera such as Maiasaura,‭ ‬allows for a serious insight into how these kinds of dinosaurs reproduced and grew up.

       Juvenile fossils display growth rings when examined in cross section‭ (‬similar to what you can see in a tree stump‭) ‬that indicate Hypacrosaurus achieved reproductive maturity in as little as two to three years while reaching full size in ten.‭ ‬This is significantly faster than in their potential predators the tyrannosaurs.‭ ‬Studies of these dinosaurs show that for the first ten years of a tyrannosaurs life growth would be pretty slow with the individual remaining small.‭ ‬Then in years ten to twenty,‭ ‬growth would rapidly accelerate until the individual reached almost full size and reproductive maturity,‭ ‬before a further ten years of slow and steady growth.‭ ‬To put this in perspective,‭ ‬in the twenty years it took for one generation of Tyrannosaurus to potentially pass,‭ ‬at least six generations of Hypacrosaurus could have happened.

       When you compare this to the twenty of so eggs in each Hypacrosaurus nest,‭ ‬you get the conclusion that Hypacrosaurus were breeding at a rate to compensate for‭ ‬high mortality levels.‭ ‬Assuming that environmental conditions were not so much of a factor,‭ ‬this could be because Hypacrosaurus was a viable and common prey species of the time,‭ ‬and tyrannosaurs withstanding,‭ ‬other predators of Hypacrosaurus may have included troodontids like Troodon.‭ ‬These small predators would have been a particular threat to the smaller individuals of Hypacrosaurus,‭ ‬reducing the numbers growing to adult hood.

       The crest of Hypacrosaurus is similar to that of its relative Corythosaurus,‭ ‬though wider and not as high.‭ ‬This crest was also hollow which confirms its establishment as a lambeosaurine hadrosaurid‭ (‬the group typified by Lambeosaurus‭)‬.‭ ‬Several theories have been made about the function of lambeosaurine head crests,‭ ‬though the one with the most support concerns visual display so that different species of hadrosaur can tell each other apart,‭ ‬probably in a similar fashion to how the differences in the forms of horns and neck frills allow different genera of ceratopsian dinosaurs to be identified.

       A theory more specific to lambeosaurine hadrosaurids however concerns the possibility that the hollowness of the crest may in fact be a resonating chamber for amplifying calls.‭ ‬Again the differences in crest form between different lambeosaurine genera could have produced different levels of amplification,‭ ‬and hence different sounding call specific to a distinct species.‭ ‬Although the resonating chamber theory is not supported by all palaeontologists,‭ ‬it is one that is still interesting in itself.

       It has already been said that Hypacrosaurus was similar in form to Corythosaurus,‭ ‬but other genera such as Olorotitan and Nipponosaurus are also thought to be closely related.

Further Reading

-‭ ‬A new trachodont dinosaur,‭ ‬Hypacrosaurus,‭ ‬from the Edmonton Cretaceous of Alberta,‭ ‬Barnum Brown‭ ‬-‭ ‬1913. -‭ ‬On Cheneosaurus tolmanensis,‭ ‬a new genus and species of trachodont dinosaur from the Edmonton Cretaceous of Alberta,‭ ‬Lawrence M.‭ ‬Lambe‭ ‬-‭ ‬1917. -‭ ‬Taxonomic implications of relative growth in lambeosaurine dinosaurs,‭ ‬Peter Dodson‭ ‬-‭ ‬1975. -‭ ‬Growth rate of Hypacrosaurus stebingeri as hypothesized from lines of arrested growth and whole femur circumference,‭ ‬L.‭ ‬N.‭ ‬Cooper‭ & ‬J.‭ ‬R‭ ‬.‭ ‬Horner‭ ‬-‭ ‬1999. -‭ ‬First Evidence of Dinosaurian Secondary Cartilage in the Post-Hatching Skull of Hypacrosaurus stebingeri‭ (‬Dinosauria,‭ ‬Ornithischia‭)‬,‭ ‬A.‭ ‬M.‭ ‬Bailleul,‭ ‬B.‭ ‬K.‭ ‬Hall‭ & ‬J.‭ ‬R.‭ ‬Horner‭ ‬-‭ ‬2012.- Evidence of proteins, chromosomes and chemical markers of DNA in exceptionally preserved dinosaur cartilage. – National Science Review. 7 (4): 815−822. – Alida M Bailleul, Wenxia Zheng, John R Horner, Brian K Hall, Casey M Holliday & Mary H Schweitzer – 2020.

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