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Lilah Turner

Evolutionary Biologist

Lilah Turner investigates how prehistoric animals adapted to changing environments, offering insights into evolution's mechanisms.

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Henodus ‭(‬Single tooth‭)‬.



Named By

Friedrich von Huene‭ ‬-‭ ‬1936.


Chordata,‭ ‬Reptilia,‭ ‬Sauropterygia,‭ ‬Placodontia,‭ ‬Henondontidae.




H.‭ ‬chelyops


1‭ ‬meter long.

Known locations

Europe,‭ ‬Germany.

Time Period

Carnian of the Triassic.

Fossil representation

Well preserved specimen.

In Depth

       Although many of the placodonts had shells only a few like Henodus and Placochelys had single shells that covered the entire body,‭ ‬while others like Cyamodus had two shells.‭ ‬Henodus has one of the most well developed single shells of all placodonts made up by a fusion of a large number of scutes with a covering‭ ‬of‭ ‬horn,‭ ‬and is almost as wide as it is long.‭ ‬Aside from being very tough this made the shell was so large that most marine predators of the Triassic couldn’t get the shell of a full grown adult between their jaws.‭ ‬This shell however would have been a great hindrance when Henodus was on land and it may be that as a result Henodus spent most of its life in the water except for‭ ‬laying eggs‭ (‬assuming that placodonts laid eggs‭)‬.‭ ‬This is especially the case when you consider that Henodus had a plastron‭ (‬lower shell‭) ‬like a turtle,‭ ‬while the carapace‭ (‬upper shell‭) ‬was actually fused to the spine.

       Henodus differed from most other placodonts in that the mouth was broad and squared off instead of pointed.‭ ‬Henodus probably used this mouth to shovel through sediment to find shellfish that were buried just below the surface,‭ ‬while other placodonts with pointed mouths were better able to get shell fish wedged between rocks.‭ ‬Such feeding behaviour would also make Henodus a niche specialist that allowed it to share ecosystems with other placodonts without competition with them.

Further Reading

– Henodus chelyops, ein neuer placodontier. – Sonder-Abduck aus Palaeontographica Beitr�ge zur Naturgeschichte der Vorzeit, Abteilung A 84:99-148. – F. von Huene – 1936. – Der Dritte Henodus erg�nzungen zur Kenntnis des Placodontiers Henodus chelyops Huene. – Sonder-Abdruck aus Palaeontographica Beitr�ge zur Naturgeschichte der Vorzeit, Abteilung A 89:105-114. – F. von Huene – 1938.

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