In Depth
In 1939 Friedrich von Huene named a new species of the phytosaur Francosuchus, F. trauthi based upon a small fragment of rostrum. A new study conducted in 2013 by Butler however found this fragment to simply no be diagnostic enough to warrant its inclusion within the Francosuchus genus, and gave it is own genus Dolerosaurus. Unfortunately very little can be said about Dolerosaurus given that its holotype fossil is so little, which is why at the time of writing it is not said to be more other than a tetrapod.
Further Reading
- Ein primitiver Phytosaurier in der j�ngeren nordost-alpinen Trias. - Zentralblatt f�r Mineralogie, Geologie und Pal�ontologie, Abteilung B 1939:139-144. - Friedrich von Huene - 1939. - Francosuchus’ trauthi is not Paleorhinus: Implications for Late Triassic vertebrate biostratigraphy. - Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology 33 (4): 858–864. - R. J. Butler - 2013.