In Depth
In 2006 the palaeontologists M. Sadiq Malkani described five new genera of titanosaur, Marisaurus, Balochisaurus, Sulaimanisaurus, Khetranisaurus and Pakisaurus, all from caudal vertebrae. From these only Marisaurus and Balochisaurus have had skull remains attributed to them, and only Marisaurus has (partial) rear limb bones attributed to the genus. Marisaurus and Balochisaurus were also classified into a new group created by Malkani, the Balochisauridae, which was created along with the Pakisauridae for the other three genera of titanosaur named by Malkani in 2006.
In 2006 Malkani also named a new abelisaurid theropod called Vitakridrinda from the same formation as these titanosaurs.
Further Reading
- Biodiversity of saurischian dinosaurs from the latest Cretaceous Park of Pakistan, M. Sadiq Malkani - 2006.