(Sulaiman lizard).
Phonetic: Su-lay-man-e-sore-us.
Named By: M. Sadiq Malkani - 2004.
Classification: Chordata, Reptilia, Dinosauria,
Saurischia, Sauropodomorpha, Sauropoda, Titanosauria,
Species: S. gingerichi
Diet: Herbivore.
Size: Unknown due to lack of remains.
Known locations: Pakistan, Balochistan - Pab
Time period: Maastrichtian of the Cretaceous.
Fossil representation: Caudal vertebrae.
Sulaimanisaurus was described by M. Sadiq Malkani in 2006 from seven caudal (tail) vertebrae, with a further four attributed to the genus. Sulaimanisaurus was then classed into the Pakisauridae, created by Malkani, along with Khetranisaurus and Pakisaurus (the latter being the type genus), two more titanosaurs described by Malkani only from caudal vertebrae. Two other titanosaurs described by Malkani in 2006 are Balochisaurus and Marisaurus, though both of these titanosaurs have had further remains attributed to them. The same year Malkani also named the abelisaurid theropod Vitakridrinda.
Further reading
- Saurischian dinosaurs from Late Cretaceous of Pakistan - M. S.
Malkani - 2004..