
Name: Tiarajudens ‭(‬Tiaraju tooth‭)‬.
Phonetic: ‭T‬e-ah-ra-yu-dens.
Named By: Juan Carlos Cisneros,‭ ‬Fernando Abdala,‭ ‬Bruce S.‭ ‬Rubidge,‭ ‬Paula Camboim Dentzien-Dias‭ & ‬Ana de Oliveira Bueno‭ ‬-‭ ‬2011.
Classification: Chordata,‭ ‬Therapsida,‭ ‬Anomocephaloidea.
Species: T.‭ ‬eccentricus‭ (‬type‭)‬.
Diet: Herbivore.
Size: Skull‭ ‬22.5‭ ‬centimetres long.
Known locations: Brazil.
Time period: Capitanian of the Permian.
Fossil representation: Almost complete skull.

       Dubbed a‭ ‘‬sabre-toothed anomodont‭’‬,‭ ‬Tiarajudens was a quadrupedal herbivore that possessed a pair of enlarged sabre-like canine teeth.‭ ‬Despite the presence of these teeth,‭ ‬Tiarajudens was almost certainly a herbivore since the incisors at the front of the mouth are spoon shaped and arranged for slicing plants while the rear teeth could mash them together.‭ ‬The sabre-teeth are unusual for a herbivore,‭ ‬but later dicynodont descendants of the anomodonts would develop large tusks for the purpose of uprooting plants so that they could be eaten.‭ ‬Therefore the canine teeth of Tiarajudens were probably used for the same purpose,‭ ‬but they had yet to evolve into a tusk form.‭ ‬Although it lacks the enlarged canine teeth,‭ ‬the African genus Anomocephalus is thought to be a close relative of Tiarajudens.
       The discovery of Tiarajudens is one born out of the modern information age‭; ‬the fossil location of Tiarajudens was found by looking satellite photographs on Google Earth.

Further reading
-‭ ‬Dental Occlusion in a‭ ‬260-Million-Year-Old Therapsid with Saber Canines from the Permian of Brazil,‭ ‬Juan Carlos Cisneros,‭ ‬Fernando Abdala,‭ ‬Bruce S.‭ ‬Rubidge,‭ ‬Paula Camboim Dentzien-Dias‭ & ‬Ana de Oliveira Bueno‭ ‬-‭ ‬2011.


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