In Depth
Stahleckeria is a genus of very large dicynodont therapsid that lived in both South America and Africa. Like other dicynodonts, Stahleckeria was a herbivore that ate low growing vegetation. When fully grown Stahleckeria would have had few predators, though large rauisuchians would have still been a potential threat.
Further Reading
- Lieferung 1. Anomodontia [Part 1. Anomodontia]. Die Fossilen Reptilien des S�damerikanischen Gondwanalandes. Ergebnisse der Sauriergrabungen in S�dbrasilien 1928/29 - [The Fossil Reptiles of South American Gondwanaland. Results of the Dinosaur Expeditions in southern Brazil 1928/29]. C. H. Beck’sche Verlagsbuchhandlung, M�nchen 1-82. - Friedrich von Huene - 1935. - Strengthening Western Gondwanan correlations: a Brazilian dicynodont (Synapsida, Anomodontia) in the Middle Triassic of Namibia. - Gondwana Research. - Fernando Abdala, Claudia A. Marsicano, Roger M.H. Smith & Roger Swart - 2012.