
Name: Strunius.
Phonetic: Stru-ne-us.
Classification: Chordata,‭ ‬Sarcopterygii,‭ ‬Onychodontida,‭ ‬Onychodontidae.
Species: S.‭ ‬walteri‭ (‬type‭)‬,‭ ‬S.‭ ‬rolandi.
Diet: Carnivore/Piscivore.
Size: About‭ ‬10‭ ‬centimetres long.
Known locations: Germany and Latvia.
Time period: Late Devonian.
Fossil representation: Several specimens.

       Although the fins of Strunius were still supported by rays of thins spines,‭ ‬Strunius is still technically considered to be a lone-finned fish due to the form of the skull.‭ ‬The skull of Strunius was articulated with strong joints with a muscle attachment that allowed for the skull to be brought back so that it could then be released to provide more force when biting.‭ ‬This would have allowed the teeth of Strunius to easily penetrate the scales of the true ray-finned fish that had started to become more common by the end of the Devonian.‭ ‬This skull arrangement is also seen in other lobe-finned fish such as Eusthenopteron as well as coelacanth genera such as Macropoma.

More information on the above fish can be found on their corresponding pages; Ceratodus, Chinlea, Dipnorhynchus, Dipterus, Eusthenopteron, Gooloogongia, Griphognathus, Gyroptychius, Holoptychius, Hyneria, Macropoma, Mandageria, Osteolepis, Panderichthys, Rhizodus, Strunius, Tiktaalik (upper estimate).

Further reading
-‭ ‬A new species of Strunius(Sarcopterygii‭; ‬Onychodontida‭) ‬from Latvia‭; ‬Lode quarry‭ (‬Upper Devonian‭) ‬-‭ ‬Ieva Upeniece‭ ‬-‭ ‬1995.


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