
Name: Sachicasaurus ‭(‬S�chica lizard‭)‬.
Phonetic: Sa-ce-cah-sor-us.
Named By: P�ramo Fonseca,‭ ‬Mar�a Eur�dice,‭ ‬Cristian David Benavides Cabra‭ & ‬Ingry Esmirna Guti�rrez‭ ‬-‭ ‬2018.
Classification: Chordata,‭ ‬Reptilia,‭ ‬Sauropterygia,‭ ‬Plesiosauria,‭ ‬Pliosauria,‭ ‬Brachaucheninae.
Species: S.‭ ‬vitae‭ (‬type‭)‬.
Diet: Carnivore/Piscivore.
Size: Roughly estimated at up to‭ ‬10‭ ‬meters long.
Known locations: Colombia‭ ‬-‭ ‬Paja Formation.
Time period: Barremian of the Cretaceous.
Fossil representation: Almost complete skull and partial post cranial remains.

       Sachicasaurus is a genus of large brachauchenine pliosaur that lived in waters around South America during the early Cretaceous.‭ ‬Like other similar pliosaurs,‭ ‬Sachicasaurus is noted for having shorter jaws,‭ ‬and hence reduced number of teeth.

Further reading
-‭ ‬A new large pliosaurid from the Barremian‭ (‬Lower Cretaceous‭) ‬of S�chica,‭ ‬Boyac�,‭ ‬Colombia.‭ ‬Earth Sciences Research Journal‭ ‬22.‭ ‬223‭–‬238.‭ ‬-‭ ‬P�ramo Fonseca,‭ ‬Mar�a Eur�dice,‭ ‬Cristian David Benavides Cabra‭ & ‬Ingry Esmirna Guti�rrez‭ ‬-‭ ‬2018.


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