In Depth
Panochthus is a genus of glyptodont that lived across much of South America during the Pleistocene. Like some of its relatives, Panochthus was a large herbivore with bony armour plates that grew into a dome like structure over its back. The tail was also covered by bony armoured bands.
Further Reading
- Contribuci�n al conocimiento de los mam�feros f�siles de la Rep�blica Argentina [Contribution to the knowledge of the fossil mammals of the Argentine Republic]. - Actas de la Academia Nacional de Ciencias de la Rep�blica Argentina en C�rdoba 6:xxxii-1027. - F. Ameghino - 1889. - Contributions to a knowledge of the fossil vertebrates of Argentina. II. 2. The extinct edentates of Argentina. - Anales del Museo de La Plata. Paleontolog�a Argentina 3:1-118. - R. Lydekker - 1894. - An enigmatic and large-sized specimen of Panochthus (Glyptodontidae, “Panochthini”) from the Ensenadan (Early-Middle Pleistocene) of the Pampean region, ArgentinaUn enigm�tico gran ejemplar de Panochthus (Glyptodontidae, “Panochthini”) del Ensenadense (Pleistoceno Temprano-Medio) de la regi�n pampeana de Argentina. - Revista Mexicana de Biodiversidad. Volume 84, Issue 3 p847-854. - Martin Zamorano, Gustavo Juan Scillato-Yan� & Alfredo Eduardo Zurita - 2013. - A new species of Panochthus Burmeister (Xenarthra, Cingulata, Glyptodontidae) from the Pleistocene of the Eastern Cordillera, Bolivia. - Historical Biology. 0 (8): 1076–1088. - Alfredo Eduardo Zurita, Martin Zamorano, Gustavo Juan Scillato-Yan�, Sergio Fidel, Martin iriondo & David D. Gillette. - 2017.