(Nopsca’s vertebra).
Phonetic: Nop-ska-spon-de-lus.
Named By: Sebasti�n Apestegu�a - 2007.
Classification: Chordata, Reptilia, Dinosauria,
Saurischia, Sauropoda, Diplodocoidea, Rebbachisauridae.
Species: N. alarconensis
Diet: Herbivore.
Size: Unknown.
Known locations: Argentina, Neuqu�n Province -
Candeleros Formation.
Time period: Coniacian of the Cretaceous.
Fossil representation: Dorsal (back) vertebra.
The type specimen of Nopcsaspondylus, a dorsal vertebra, was first described by Franz Nopsca in 1902, who referred it to the now dubious sauropod genus Bothriospondylus, quite surprising when you consider that the Bothriospondylus type material came from England. This vertebrae was renamed as Nopcsaspondylus in 2007, with the identification that it represents part of a rebbachisaurid sauropod.
Further reading
- Notizen �ber Cretacischen Dinosaurier. Pt. 3. Wirbel eines
s�damerikanischen Sauropoden [Notes on Cretaceous dinosaurs. Pt.
Third vertebra of a South American sauropods]. - Akademie der
Wissenschaften 3: 108–114. - Franz Nopcsa - 1902.
- The sauropod diversity of the La Amarga Formation (Barremian),
Neuqu�n (Argentina). - Gondwana Research 12 (4):
533–546. - Sebasti�n Apestegu�a - 2007.