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Nisha Yadav


Nisha Yadav is a dedicated physicist whose work bridges the gap between physics and paleontology. With a deep interest in the processes that preserve ancient life, she explores how physical principles govern fossilization and the preservation of extinct species.

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Minmi ‭(‬After Minmi crossing,‭ ‬Australia‭)‬.



Named By

Ralph Molnar‭ ‬-‭ ‬1980.


Chordata,‭ ‬Reptilia,‭ ‬Dinosauria,‭ ‬Ornithischia,‭ ‬Thyreophoroidea,‭ ‬Ankylosauria.




M.‭ ‬paravertebra


estimated between 2 and 3 meters long.

Known locations

Australia,‭ ‬Minmi crossing.

Time Period

Aptian of the Cretaceous.

Fossil representation

Two confirmed individuals,‭ ‬one of which is almost complete.‭ ‬Possible further fragments.

In Depth

       Well preserved dinosaur remains are rare from Australia,‭ ‬but Minmi is one of the exceptions.‭ ‬This‭ ‬is‭ ‬in part due to the small body size of Minmi which meant that it would have been‭ ‬more‭ ‬easily buried than a larger animal,‭ ‬something that would have protected the remains from being scattered by scavengers and weather.‭ ‬Fortunately the remains were discovered before they were exposed to the full effects of today‭’‬s Australian climate which can quickly erode and damages valuable fossil specimens when they are exposed.

       The phylogenetic placement of Minmi is a little awkward,‭ ‬but currently it sits within the Ankylosauria as a basal ankylosaur.‭ ‬Minmi is not considered to be a true member of the more advanced ankylosaurids because it lacks some key defining characteristics of this group.‭ ‬Still Minmi was what is termed an armoured dinosaur,‭ ‬and it seems‭ ‬that Minmi had a variety of different armoured osteoderms‭ (‬bony armour plates that are also sometimes referred to as scutes‭) ‬that ran across its back.‭ ‬While the main body seems to have had an assortment of smaller osteoderms,‭ ‬larger ones were present on more vulnerable areas such as the neck,‭ ‬head,‭ ‬shoulders and hips,‭ ‬all areas that predators usually target to make a quick kill.‭ ‬Although still uncertain,‭ ‬the large osteoderms may have formed tall spikes that would have made it even more difficult for a predatory dinosaur to jump onto,‭ ‬or larger ones like Australovenator to bite down on.‭ ‬It’s also considered possible that these larger osteoderms‭ ‬spikes also continued down the length of the tail,‭ ‬but fossil material is still lacking to confirm this.‭ ‬One key area of difference between the armour of Minmi and that of the later ankylosaurids are‭ ‬the horizontally arranged osteoderms that ran parallel to the vertebra rather than the ribs.‭ ‬This is reflected in the specific species name of M.‭ ‬paravertebra.       Perhaps the most exciting discovery associated with Minmi is that of a cololite,‭ ‬a food pellet that would have‭ ‬been inside the stomach of the living dinosaur that reveals what kind of food it ate.‭ ‬Analysis revealed the presence of seeds,‭ ‬fruit and both fibrous vascular‭ (‬stems,‭ ‬leaves‭) ‬and vesicular‭ (‬spore‭) ‬plant tissue.‭ ‬While the fruit and seeds seem to have been swallowed the more fibrous tissues show signs of being cleanly cut in very small sections.‭ ‬This has helped confirm the theory that armoured dinosaurs‭ ‬like‭ ‬Minmi relied upon processing their food in their mouths rather than using gastroliths‭ (‬swallowed stones‭) ‬to process the food for them.‭ ‬Teeth in these dinosaurs are more adapted to chopping rather mashing,‭ ‬and wear damage in other genera shows that the teeth of the upper and lower jaws came together in a shearing action.‭ ‬By chopping food in the mouth into smaller pieces,‭ ‬a greater surface area is exposed to the digestive acids so that far more efficient digestion can take place.‭ ‬This also hints that in life Minmi,‭ ‬and other similar dinosaurs,‭ ‬actually had cheeks to stop food from falling out of the sides of the mouth as it was being processed.‭

       One more bit of trivia,‭ ‬Minmi once had the shortest dinosaur name,‭ ‬a title it held onto for twenty-four years until the naming of Mei in‭ ‬2004. Now dinosaur names are even shorter with the 2015 naming of the genus Yi.

Further Reading

– An ankylosaur (Ornithischia, Reptilia) from the Lower Cretaceous of southern Queensland – Ralph E. Molnar – 1980. – The paravertebral elements of the Australian ankylosaur Minmi (Reptilia: Ornithischia, Cretaceous). – Neues Jahrbuch f�r Geologie und Pal�ontologie, Abhandlungen. 175: 19–37. – R. E. Molnar & E. Frey – 1987. – Preliminary report on a new ankylosaur from the Early Cretaceous of Queensland, Australia. – Memoirs of the Queensland Museum. 39 (3): 653–668. – R. E. Molnar – 1996. – Gut Contents of a Small Ankylosaur. – Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology. & Taylor & Francis, Ltd. 20 (1): 194–196. – Ralph E. Molnar & H. Trevor Clifford – 2000. – First evidence of ankylosaurian dinosaurs (Ornithischia: Thyreophora) from the mid-Cretaceous (late Albian-Cenomanian) Winton Formation of Queensland, Australia. – Alcheringa. 37 (2): 249–257. – L. G. Leahey & S. W. Salisbury – 2013. – Cranial osteology of the ankylosaurian dinosaur formerly known as Minmi sp. (Ornithischia: Thyreophora) from the Lower Cretaceous Allaru Mudstone of Richmond, Queensland, Australia. – PeerJ. 3: e1475. – Lucy G. Leahey, Ralph E. Molnar, Kenneth Carpenter, Lawrence M. Witmer & Steven W. Salisbury – 2015.

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