
Name: Meganeuropsis.
Phonetic: Meg-ah-new-rop-sis.
Named By: Frank M.‭ ‬Carpenter‭ ‬-‭ ‬1939.
Classification: Arthtropoda,‭ ‬Insecta,‭ ‬Odonatoptera,‭ ‬Protudonata,‭ ‬Meganeuridae.
Species: M.‭ ‬americana,‭ ‬M.‭ ‬permiana.
Type: Carnivore.
Size: Up to‭ ‬69‭ to 71 ‬centimetre wingspan,‭ ‬43‭ ‬centimetre body length.
Known locations: USA.
Time period: Late Permian.
Fossil representation: Remains for two species of the genus.

       Along with Meganeura,‭ ‬Meganeuropsis was a griffinfly of the Paleozoic,‭ ‬and prooves that the giant griffinflies flew throughout the Permian period.‭ ‬The fossil of Meganeuropsis americana recovered from Oklahoma in‭ ‬1940,‭ ‬features the largest complete insect wing ever found.

Further reading
- The Lower Permian Insects of Kansas. Part 8: Additional Megasecoptera, Protodonata, Odonata, Homoptera, Psocoptera, Protelytroptera, Plectoptera and Protoperlaria. - Proceedings of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences 73(3):29-70. - F. M. Carpenter - 1939.


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