
Name: Mariliasuchus ‭(‬Marilia crocodile‭)‬.
Phonetic: Mah-eil-e-ah-soo-kus.
Named By: Carvalho & Bertini - 1999.
Classification: Chordata,‭ ‬Reptilia,‭ ‬Crocodylomorpha,‭ ‬Notosuchia,‭ ‬Notosuchidae.
Species: M.‭ ‬amarali‭ (‬type‭)‬,‭ ‬M.‭ ‬robustus.
Diet: Uncertain.
Size: Unavailable.
Known locations: Brazil‭ ‬-‭ ‬Adamantina Formation.
Time period: Turonian to Santonian of the Cretaceous.
Fossil representation: Many individuals.

       Mariliasuchus appears to have been an almost entirely terrestrial‭ (‬living on land‭) ‬crocodylomorph.‭ ‬The eyes of Mariliasuchus are located more to the sides rather than on top of the head,‭ ‬and the nostrils faced forwards rather than upwards.‭ ‬In aquatic crocodylomorphs‭ ‬both the nostrils and eyes almost always face upwards.‭ ‬Despite this though,‭ ‬the skull of Mariliasuchus still bears a mix of features that are seen in both other terrestrial but also some aquatic crocodylomorphs.
       Like in modern crocodiles,‭ ‬the skulls of Mariliasuchus changed as they grew.‭ ‬As an individual Mariliasuchus grew older,‭ ‬the skull would get proportionately shorter,‭ ‬a process that also caused the head to become more robust.‭ ‬The muscles of the head were also quite powerful which infers a need for dealing with tough food.‭ ‬Two large canine teeth projected down from the anterior of the upper jaw,‭ ‬while the teeth behind them were low and more robust.‭ ‬Again this may indicate that Mariliasuchus ate tougher food,‭ ‬but it is still uncertain what because notosuchian crocodylomorphs are known to have a very wide variance diets,‭ ‬with some even being vegetarian.
       In the past Mariliasuchus has been considered to have been similar to Comahuesuchus and Adamantinasuchus.

Further reading
-‭ ‬Re-description of the cranial morphology of Mariliasuchus amarali,‭ ‬and its phylogenetic affinities‭ (‬Crocodyliformes,‭ ‬Notosuchia‭) ‬-‭ ‬H.‭ ‬Zaher,‭ ‬D.‭ ‬Pol,‭ ‬A.‭ ‬B.‭ ‬Carvalho,‭ ‬C.‭ ‬Riccomini,‭ ‬D.‭ ‬Campos &‭ ‬W.‭ ‬Nava‭ ‬-‭ ‬2006.


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