(armour lizard).
Phonetic: Lo-ree-ko-sore-us.
Named By: Friedrich von Huene - 1929.
Classification: Chordata, Reptilia, Dinosauria,
Saurischia, Sauropoda, Titanosauria, Saltasaurinae.
Species: L. scutatus (type).
Diet: Herbivore.
Size: Impossible to know due to severe lack of
skeletal remains.
Known locations: Argentina - Allen Formation.
Time period: Campanian/Maastrichtian of the
Fossil representation: Osteoderms (bony armour
The description of Loricosaurus was first based upon the discovery of osteoderm armour that was initially perceived to have come from an ankylosaur. Later it was realised that these osteoderms actually came from a titanosaur, however, by themselves they are not very diagnostic of a distinct genus, which is why Loricosaurus is widely regarded as a nomen dubium. Fossils of one former species of Loricosaurus, L. scutatus, has already been identified as belonging to Neuquensaurus, while the type species, L. noricus may also be synonymous with Neuquensaurus, or perhaps alternatively Saltasaurus.
Further reading
- Die Besonderheit der Titanosaurier [The peculiarity of
titanosaurs]. - Centralblatt f�r Mineralogie, Geologie und
Pal�ontologie Abteilung A 1929:493-499. - Friedrich von Huene
- 1929.