In Depth
Lanthanosuchus is a genus of parareptile that lived in what is now Russia during the late Permian.
Further Reading
- Kurze �bersicht �ber die Formen der Perm- und der Trias-Tetrapoden-Fauna der USSR. - Zentralblatt f�r Mineralogie, Geologie und Pal�ontologie, Abteilung B 1940:372-383. - I. A. Efremov - 1940. - On the subclass Batrachosauria - an intermediary group between amphians and reptiles. - USSR Academy of Sciences Bulletin, Biology series 1946:615-638. - I. A. Efremov - 1940 - 1946. - Lanthanosuchids from the Permian of the East European platform. - Paleontological Journal 1980: 80-90. - M. F. Ivakhenko - 1980.