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Nisha Yadav


Nisha Yadav is a dedicated physicist whose work bridges the gap between physics and paleontology. With a deep interest in the processes that preserve ancient life, she explores how physical principles govern fossilization and the preservation of extinct species.

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Iberospinus ‭(‬Iberian spine‭)‬.



Named By

Oct�vio Mateus‭ & ‬Dar�o Estraviz-L�pez‭ ‬-‭ ‬2022.


Chordata,‭ ‬Dinosauria,‭ ‬Saurischia,‭ ‬Theropoda,‭ ‬Spinosauridae.




I.‭ ‬natarioi


Uncertain due to lack of remains.

Known locations

Portugal‭ ‬-‭ ‬Papo Seco Formation.

Time Period

Barremian of the Cretaceous.

Fossil representation

Forward tip of dentary‭ (‬lower jaw‭) ‬and partial post cranial remains

In Depth

       Fossils of Iberospinus were first discovered in‭ ‬1999‭ ‬and recovered over a period of a few years after.‭ ‬Initially thought to be further fossils of Baryonyx,‭ ‬they were later discovered to represent a new genus of spinosaurid dinosaur,‭ ‬leading to them being named as Iberospinus in‭ ‬2022.‭ ‬While Iberospinus fossils show some development similar to‭ ‬baryonchine spinosaurs,‭ ‬the genus itself was still held outside the group by the describing authors.‭ ‬Future fossils discoveries may make the establishment of evolutionary relationships easier to determine,‭ ‬but for now we will have to wait.

       Iberospinus fossils do show a development to at least a semi-aquatic lifestyle,‭ ‬and indeed the fossils location where the first Iberospinus fossils remains were discovered is thought to have been a lagoon during the early Cretaceous.‭ ‬It is still uncertain how well Iberospinus was adapted to aquatic hunting.‭ ‬Later genera like Spinosaurus seem to have been extremely well adapted,‭ ‬whereas baryonchine spinosaurs that existed earlier and at the‭ ‬same time as Iberospinus were less so.‭ ‬Again,‭ ‬future fossil discoveries may reveal so much more,‭ ‬just like they did with Spinosaurus.

Further reading

-‭ ‬A new theropod dinosaur from the Early Cretaceous‭ (‬Barremian‭) ‬of Cabo Espichel,‭ ‬Portugal:‭ ‬Implications for spinosaurid evolution.‭ ‬-‭ ‬PLOS ONE.‭ ‬17‭ (‬2‭)‬:‭ ‬e0262614‭ ‬-‭ ‬Oct�vio Mateus‭ & ‬Dar�o Estraviz-L�pez‭ ‬-‭ ‬2022.

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