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John Stewart


John Stewart is a distinguished paleoecologist whose work has significantly advanced our understanding of prehistoric ecosystems. With over two decades dedicated to unearthing fossils across Asia and Africa

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Ichthyosaurus‭ (‬fish lizard‭)‬.



Named By

William Daniel Conybeare‭ & ‬Henry De la Beche‭ ‬-‭ ‬1821.


Chordata,‭ ‬Sauropsida,‭ ‬Ichthyosauria,‭ ‬Ichthyosauridae.




‭ ‬I.‭ ‬communis‭


Most known specimens about 2 meters long, but largest individuals up to 3.3 meters long.

Known locations

Europe including,‭ ‬Belgium,‭ ‬England,‭ ‬Germany and Switzerland.

Time Period

Hettangian to Sinemurian of the Jurassic.

Fossil representation

Many hundreds of specimens,‭ ‬some articulated.‭ ‬Skin impressions have also been recovered in some specimens.‭ ‬These reveal features such as the dorsal and caudal‭ (‬tail‭) ‬fins that are not often preserved.

In Depth

       The most well-known of the ichthyosaurs,‭ ‬Ichthyosaurus itself is almost always included in books about dinosaurs and other prehistoric creatures.‭ ‬While it may look superficially like a prehistoric dolphin,‭ ‬Ichthyosaurus wasn’t even closely related, in fact‭ ‬Ichthyosaurus wasn’t even a mammal like a dolphin is,‭ ‬it was‭ ‬a reptile.‭ ‬Also,‭ ‬Ichthyosaurus was not in the same group of reptiles as the dinosaurs,‭ ‬although it did live at the same time as many of them.

       With its distant ancestors being terrestrial reptiles going back to an aquatic lifestyle,‭ ‬Ichthyosaurus ended up with an extremely different morphology to other land living reptiles.‭ ‬This‭ ‘‬fish‭’ ‬appearance is a result of the fact that the basic fish morphology is the most streamlined and efficient form for submerged locomotion.‭ ‬It also means that Ichthyosaurus was never able to return to the land,‭ ‬instead leading an entirely pelagic life in the oceans.

       As an ocean going hunter,‭ ‬the main diet of Ichthyosaurus would have been primarily if not exclusively piscivorous.‭ ‬Study of coprolites has confirmed the presence of both fish and squid in its feeding habits.‭ ‬Although Ichthyosaurus appears to have relied upon its sight for feeding,‭ ‬the solid bone structure of the ear drums suggests that they could have‭ ‘‬heard‭’ ‬their prey from a distance by their vibrations in the water.

       Some specimens have shown smaller Ichthyosaurus remains inside larger ones in positions that appear to be within a uterus of a parent animal and‭ ‬some even appear to have been in the process of being born.‭ ‬This means that Ichthyosaurus almost certainly did not lay eggs,‭ ‬but was instead viviparous,‭ ‬giving birth to live young.‭ ‬As with other viviparous air breathing marine organisms,‭ ‬the young emerged from the mother tail first so that they did not drown while being born.

Further Reading

– Additional notices on the fossil genera Ichthyosaurus and Plesiosaurus – Transactions of the Geological Society of London, Series 2 1:103-123 – W. D. Conybeare – 1822. – A large skull of Ichthyosaurus (Reptilia: Ichthyosauria) from the Lower Sinemurian (Lower Jurassic) of Frick (NW Switzerland) – Swiss Journal of Geosciences 101: 617-627 – M. W. Maisch, A. G. Reisdorf , R. Schlatter & A. Wetzel – 2008. – An Ichthyosaurus (Reptilia, Ichthyosauria) with gastric contents from Charmouth, England: First report of the genus from the Pliensbachian – Paludicola 8 (1): 22–36 – Dean R. Lomax – 2010. – A new specimen of Ichthyosaurus communis from Dorset, UK, and its bearing on the stratigraphical range of the species – Proceedings of the Geologists’ Association 123:146-154 – S. P. Bennett, P. M. Barrett, M. E. Collinson, S. Moore-Fay, P. G. Davis & C. P. Palmer – 2012. – A new species of Ichthyosaurusfrom the Lower Jurassic of West Dorset, England, U.K. – Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology: e903260. – Dean R. Lomax & Judy A. Massare – 2015. – Two new species of Ichthyosaurus from the lowermost Jurassic (Hettangian) of Somerset, England. – Papers in Palaeontology. – Dean R. Lomax & Judy A. Massare – 2016. – On the largest Ichthyosaurus: A new specimen of Ichthyosaurus somersetensis containing an embryo. – Acta Palaeontologica Polonica. – D. R. Lomax & S. Sachs – 2017.

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