(European claw tooth).
Phonetic: Yew-ro-nigh-ko-don.
Named By: M. T. Antunes & D.
Sigogneau-Russell - 1991.
Classification: Reptilia, Dinosauria,
Saurischia, Theropoda, Troodontidae.
Species: E. portucalensis
(type), E. asiaticus.
Diet: Carnivore.
Size: Unknown due to lack of remains.
Known locations: Portugal - Argilas de Aveiro
Formation. Romaina - Densus-Ciula Formation, S�npetru
Formation. Spain - Calizas de Lychnus Formation, Vitoria
Formation. Uzbekistan - Bissekty Formation.
Time period: Turonian to Maastrichtian of the
Fossil representation: Teeth.
Euronychodon is a tooth taxon which means that so far the only known fossils of this dinosaur are teeth. Study of these teeth suggests that they most probably belong to a troodont dinosaur but beyond this further details are impossible to establish. There have been questions raised about the validity of the Euronychodon fossil from Uzbekistan. This is because the fossils from here are estimated to come from the Turonian stage of the late Cretaceous, while the European (and holotype) fossils are almost certainly all Maastrichtian in age. Therefore it is not impossible that the teeth fossils attributed to Euronychodon from Uzbekistan may actually be from a different dinosaur genus.
Further reading
- Nouvelles donn�es sur les dinosaures du Cr�tac� sup�rieur du
Portugal [New data on the dinosaurs from the Upper Cretaceous of
Portugal]. - Comptes Rendus de l'Acad�mie des Sciences � Paris,
S�rie II 313:113-119. - M. T. Antunes & D.
Sigogneau-Russell - 1991.