Name: Dvinia
(Named after the Dvina River).
Phonetic: Vin-e-ah.
Named By: V. Amalitzky - 1922.
Synonyms: Permocynodon sushkini.
Classification: Chordata, Synapsida,
Therapsida, Cynodontia.
Species: D. prima (type).
Diet: Omnivore?
Size: Reconstructed skull about 20 centimetres
long, body length estimated to be about 50 centimetres long.
Known locations: Russia.
Time period: Wuchianpingian of the Permian.
Fossil representation: Partial skulls.
Dvinia is a genus of small cynodont that lived in Russia during the late Permian. Dvinia is known to have lived in the same habitats as Dicynodon and Scutosaurus as well as the large predator Inostrancevia.
Further reading
- Diagnoses of the new forms of vertebrates and plants from the upper
Permian of North Dvina. - Bulletin de l’Academie des Sciences,
Saint Petersburg, 6th series, v. 16, p. 329-340. - V.
Amalitzky - 1922.