Phonetic: Do-le-oh-sore-us.
Named By: Kuhn - 1961.
Synonyms: Titanophoneus potens.
Classification: Chordata, Synapsida,
Therapsida, Dinocephalia, Anteosauridae.
Species: D. adamanteus, D. yanshinovi.
Diet: Carnivore.
Size: Skull 53 centimetres long. Total length
about 3 to 4 meters long.
Known locations: Russia.
Time period: Capitanian of the Permian.
Fossil representation: Several individuals including
skulls and almost complete post cranial remains.
A close relative to the fearsome Anteosaurus from South Africa, Doliosauriscus would have been a key predator in Russia during the Permian.
Further reading
- Les Dinocephales rapaces de la faune d’Ischeevo. - Trudy
Paleontologischeskoso Instituta, Akademyia Nauk SSSR, v. 71,
p. 1-114. - J. A. Orlov - 1958.