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John Stewart


John Stewart is a distinguished paleoecologist whose work has significantly advanced our understanding of prehistoric ecosystems. With over two decades dedicated to unearthing fossils across Asia and Africa

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Named By


Chordata,‭ ‬Mammalia,‭ ‬Carnivora,‭ ‬Caniformia,‭ ‬Amphicyonidae.




C. anubisi, C.‭ ‬caroniavarus,‭ ‬C.‭ ‬euryodon,‭ ‬C.‭ ‬lemanensis,‭ ‬C.‭ ‬idoneus,‭ ‬C.‭ ‬macrodon,‭ C.stenos, ‬C. malasi, C.‭ ‬sinapius


Weight estimated around‭ ‬80-85‭ ‬kilograms.

Known locations

Across Africa,‭ ‬Eurasia and North America.

Time Period

Late Chattian of the Oligocene through to the Tortonian of the Miocene.

Fossil representation

Multiple specimens.

In Depth

       Bear dogs can often be divided into North American and Eurasian genera,‭ ‬but Cynelos is one of the few genera that what active across both of these areas as well as Africa,‭ ‬a range proven by the discovery of multiple remains on all of these continents.‭ ‬Because Cynelos was a large Miocene era bear dog,‭ ‬there have been comparisons between it and other large forms such as‭ ‬Amphicyon,‭ ‬indeed,‭ ‬some previously named species of Amphicyon are‭ ‬now included within the Cynelos genus.

Further Reading

– New canidae from the Miocene of Colorado. Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History 16(21):281-290. – W. D. Matthew – 1902. – Third contribution to the Snake Creek Fauna. – Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History 50:59-210. – W. D. Matthew – 1924. – A Skull of the Immigrant Eurasian Beardog Cynelos (Carnivora, Amphicyonidae) from the Early Miocene of Southern California. – Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology 35(1). – R. M. Hunt, Jr. & E. Stepleton – 2015. – New Am-phicyonids (Mammalia, Carnivora) from Moghra, Early Miocene, Egypt, in Bonis L. de & Werdelin L. (eds), Memo-rial to St�phane Peign�: Carnivores (Hyaenodonta and Carnivora) of the Cenozoic. – Geodiversitas 41 (21): 731-745. – M. Morlo, E. R. Miller, K. Bastl, M. K. AbdelGawad, M. Hamdan, A. L. El-Barkooky & D. Nagel – 2019. – A new species of the amphicyonid carnivore Cynelos Jourdan, 1862 from the early Miocene of North America, in Bonis L. de & Werdelin L. (eds), Memorial to St�phane Peign�: Carnivores (Hyaenodonta and Carnivora) of the Cenozoic. – Geodiversitas 42 (5): 57-67. – R. M. Hunt & D. A. Yatkola – 2020.

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