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Emily Green


Emily Green brings the ancient world of plants to life through her insightful research and engaging writing. Her expertise lies in examining how prehistoric vegetation influenced climate patterns and animal evolution.

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Coelurosauravus (Flying hollow lizard).



Named By

Jean Piveteau - 1926.


Chordata, Reptilia, Sauropsida, Diapsida, Avicephala, Coelurosauravidae.




C. elivensis


40 centimetres long.

Known locations

Europe, Germany. Madagascar.

Time Period


Fossil representation

Fossils for two species known.

In Depth

       The most noteworthy feature of Coelurosauravus are the dermal ossicles, creating thin strands of bone that extended from the flanks and supported a gliding wing. This may have provided a limited flight capability over short distances by jumping from a high point and steering itself by twisting towards a lower spot as it fell down.

       In Coelurosauravus the back of the skull also features a frill similar to the kind seen in later ceratopsian dinosaurs. This is likely to have been a display feature as opposed to an aerodynamic one.

       It is thought that Coelurosauravus would have lived within the tree canopy, gliding from branch to branch in a similar manner as a flying squirrel. This way it could quickly cover a number of trees in a shorter space of time than that required to climb down and up each individual tree.

       These gliding membranes may also have been a display structure for attracting mates and/or dominance displays with rivals. They may have also formed a threat display by being quickly opened to startle predators when they got too close, allowing Coelurosauravus a chance to escape.

Further Reading

– A review of the Upper Permian genera Coelurosauravus, Weigeltisaurus and Gracilisaurus (Reptilia: Diapsida). – Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society. 90 (3): 275–303. – Susan E. Evans, Hartmut Haubold – 1987. – Gliding Mechanism in the Late Permian Reptile Coelurosauravus. – Science. 275 (5305): 1450–1452. – Eberhard Frey, Hans-Dieter Sues & Wolfgang Munk – 1997. – New information on the anatomy of the Late Permian gliding reptile Coelurosauravus. – Pal�ontologische Zeitschrift. 81 (2): 160–173. – G�nther Schaumberg, David M. Unwin & Silvio Brandt – 2007. – New data on the morphology of the Late Permian gliding reptile Coelurosauravus elivensis Piveteau. – Paleontological Journal. 49 (4): 413–423. – V. V. Bulanov, A. G. Sennikov – 2015.

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