In Depth
Astrodon has been a troublesome genus of sauropod dinosaur, partly because of the lack of complete remains for the genus which was initially primarily named from the teeth. Astrodon also has an uncertain relationship with the genus Pleurocoelus, with some authors considering the two to be synonymous, to just some species of Pleurocoelus to be synonymous with Astrodon, to some considering both genera being dubious.
Further Reading
- The Reptillian Fauna of the Arundel Formation” and “Systematic Paleontology of the Lower Cretaceous Deposits of Maryland -Dinosauria, Lower Cretaceous : Maryland Geological Survey Systematic Reports, pp. 173–178, 183-211. - R. S. Lull - 1911. - Discovery of remains of Astrodon (Pleurocoelus) in the Atlantosaurus beds of Wyoming. - Annals of the Carnegie Museum of Natural History 2: 9–14 - John Bell hatcher - 1903. - Studies of the sauropod dinosaur Astrodon Leidy, - Proceedings of the Washington Junior Academy of Sciences, 1: 38-44 -R. F. Kingham. - 1962. - Additions to the vertebrate fauna of the Antlers Formation (Lower Cretaceous), southeastern Oklahoma. - Oklahoma Geology Notes 57:124-131. - R. Cifelli, J. D. Gardner, R. L. Nydam & D. L. Brinkman. - Reassessment of the Early Cretaceous Sauropod Astrodon johnstoni Leidy 1865 (Titanosauriformes) - Thunder Lizards: The Sauropodomorph Dinosaurs. - Kenneth Carpenter & Virginia Tidwell - 2005.