In Depth
Albalophosaurus has been described as a basal ceratopsian dinosaur, but one that shows similarities to other ornithopod dinosaurs, particularly in dental morphology. This may suggest that Albalophosaurus was a particularly primitive ceratopsian dinosaur, perhaps even one that hints at the transition from ornithopod ancestors to more derived ceratopsian descendants. The name Albalophosaurus means ‘white crest’, but this is in reference to the snow-capped peak of Mount Hakusan near where the holotype remains were discovered, not a physical feature.
So far Japan has been quite light in terms of fossil discoveries, which is surprising considering that hundreds are known from mainland Asia, but steadily, palaeontologists working in Japan are uncovering more and more Mesozoic reptiles. Other dinosaurs discovered in Japan include Fukuiraptor and Fukuisaurus.
Further Reading
- A new ornithischian dinosaur from the Lower Cretaceous Kuwajima Formation of Japan, T. Ohashi & P. M. Barrett - 2009.