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Liam Carter


Liam Carter explores the roots of humanity by studying early human fossils and artifacts. His ground-breaking work has provided a deeper understanding of our ancestors' lifestyles and social structures.

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Astrapotherium ‭(‬Great lightning beast‭)‬.



Named By


Chordata,‭ ‬Mammalia,‭ ‬Astrapotheria,‭ ‬Astrapotheriidae.




A.‭ ‬magnum‭


About‭ ‬2.5‭ ‬meters long.

Known locations

South America.

Time Period

Early Miocene.

Fossil representation

Well preserved remains.

In Depth

       Astrapotherium is noted for having high nostrils,‭ ‬something that has led to the idea that a great amount of soft tissue was present upon this part of the head.‭ ‬The exact kind of tissue however is still unknown,‭ ‬with speculation that it could have been some kind of short trunk or prehensile lip,‭ ‬or possibly an inflated nasal area.‭ ‬Other features include four enlarged canine teeth that grew to form tusks that probably protruded from the mouth when it was closed.‭ ‬Additionally the incisors of the lower jaw grew large and possibly connected with a tough pad in the upper jaw.‭ ‬The hind quarters also have a surprisingly light build for such a large animal,‭ ‬indicating that they were weak.‭

       Altogether these things could point towards Astrapotherium being a semi aquatic animal that foraged around wetlands and swamps.‭ ‬In these habitats water buoyancy would support the body weight,‭ ‬removing the need for Astrapotherium to have‭ ‬strong supporting limbs.‭ ‬The tusk-like canines would also be capable of root up plants while the incisors could scoop plants from the water.‭ ‬The high nostrils of the skull would have either made it easier for Astrapotherium to still breathe as it fed in the water,‭ ‬perhaps even being so well developed into a trunk or lip to help manipulate food into the mouth.

Further Reading

– Nuevos restos de mam�feros f�siles descubiertos por Carlos Ameghino en el Eoceno inferior de la Patagonia austral. – Especies nuevas, adiciones y correcciones [New remains of fossil mammals discovered by Carlos Ameghino in the lower Eocene of southern Patagonia. – New species, additions, and corrections]. – Revista Argentina de Historia Natural 1:289-328. F. Ameghino – 1891. – Premi�re contribution � la connaissance de la fauna mammalogique des couches � Colpodon [First contribution to the knowledge of the mammalian fauna of the Colopdon Beds]. – Boletin de la Academia Nacional de Ciencias de C�rdoba 17:71-141. – F. Ameghino – 1902. – Astrapotherium from the Middle Miocene Coll�n Cura Formation and the decline of astrapotheres in southern South America. – Ameghiniana. – Alejandro Kramarz, Alberto Garrido, Mariano Bond – 2019.

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