
Name: Adratiklit ‭(‬Mountain lizard‭)‬.
Phonetic: A-drat-e-klit.
Named By: Susannah C.‭ ‬R.‭ ‬Maidment,‭ ‬Thomas J.‭ ‬Raven,‭ ‬Driss Ouarhache,‭ ‬Paul M.‭ ‬Barrett‭ ‬-‭ ‬2019.
Classification: Chordata,‭ ‬Reptilia,‭ ‬Dinosauria,‭ ‬Ornithischia,‭ ‬Stegosauria,‭ ‬Stegosauridae,‭ ‬Dacentrurinae.
Species: A.‭ ‬boulahfa‭ (‬type‭)‬.
Diet: Herbivore.
Size: Uncertain due to lack of overall remains.‭ ‬Humerus‭ ‬61‭ ‬centimetres long.
Known locations: Morocco‭ ‬-‭ ‬El Mers II Formation.
Time period: Bathonian of the Jurassic.
Fossil representation: Scattered partial remains from several individuals,‭ ‬including vertebrae a humerus‭ (‬upper arm bone‭)‬.

       Though known only from very few fossils,‭ ‬Adratiklit is the first known example of dacentrurine stegosaur from North Africa.‭ ‬At the time of naming however,‭ ‬we do not know other details such as the type and extent of plates and spikes that would have run down its back as the genus was named only from scattered vertebrae and a humerus.
       ‬Adratiklit is amongst the oldest stegosaurid genera so far known.‭

Further reading
-‭ ‬North Africa's first stegosaur:‭ ‬Implications for Gondwanan thyreophoran dinosaur diversity.‭ ‬-‭ ‬Gondwana Research.‭ ‬77:‭ ‬82‭–‬97.‭ ‬-‭ ‬Susannah C.‭ ‬R.‭ ‬Maidment,‭ ‬Thomas J.‭ ‬Raven,‭ ‬Driss Ouarhache,‭ ‬Paul M.‭ ‬Barrett‭ ‬-‭ ‬2019.


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