
In Depth        Bogolubovia did not come into existence until seventy-five years after the holotype was discovered in 1914 by Nikolai Nikolaevich Bogolubov. Initially the remains were attributed to Ornithostoma as O. orientalis, and later reclassified as a species of Pteranodon. Now the original description can be compared with greater understanding of pterosaurs in general, Bogolubovia … Read more


In Depth        Paleorhinus has been one of the key phytosaur genera for well over a hundred years now,‭ ‬however many of the species once assigned to‭ ‬the genus have now been re-assigned to other genera.‭ ‬At the time of writing the only recognised species of Paleorhinus are the type species P.‭ ‬bransoni from the USA,‭ … Read more


In Depth        On a Chinese construction site in‭ ‬1973‭ ‬a dinosaur skeleton was accidentally processed by‭ ‬a‭ ‬mechanical composter.‭ ‬Unfortunately by the time the workers had realised what had happened much of the dinosaur had already been damaged and in some places completely destroyed by the machinery,‭ ‬but palaeontologists were still able to reconstruct and … Read more


In Depth        Originally named as a species of Iguanodon by Richard Lydekker in‭ ‬1888,‭ ‬the holotype fossils of this genus were actually named as a new genus twice in‭ ‬2010,‭ ‬in two separate papers published that year.‭ ‬The holotype specimen was first named by David Norman as Barilium,‭ ‬and then by Kenneth Carpenter and Yusuke … Read more


In Depth        Eumetabolodon is a genus of procolophonid reptile that lived in China during the Triassic. Further Reading -‭ ‬Tooth replacement in a new genus of procolophonid from the Early Triassic of China.‭ ‬-‭ ‬Palaeontology‭ ‬26‭(‬3‭)‬:567-583.‭ ‬-‭ ‬J.‭ ‬L.‭ ‬Li‭ ‬-‭ ‬1983.


In Depth        Simurghia is a genus of pterosaur that lived in Africa during the late Cretaceous.‭ ‬The holotype fossils of Simurghia were found in what was a marine environment,‭ ‬strongly showing that Simurghia lived in coastal ecosystems. Further Reading -‭ ‬Late Maastrichtian pterosaurs from North Africa and mass extinction of Pterosauria at the Cretaceous-Paleogene boundary.‭ … Read more


In Depth        Babibasiliscus is a relative of modern day basilisk lizards,‭ ‬some of which are also dubbed‭ ‘‬Jesus Christ lizards‭’ ‬for their ability to run across water for short distances.‭ ‬Babibasiliscus is best known from a skull,‭ ‬which when compared to average modern basilisk proportions yields an estimate of about‭ ‬sixty ‬centimetres long for the … Read more



In Depth        Magnamanus is a genus of iguanodont dinosaur that lived in Spain during‭ ‬the early Cretaceous.‭ ‬The name Magnamanus means‭ ‘‬large hand‭’‬,‭ ‬a reference to the enlarged well developed hands that this dinosaur genus adapted,‭ ‬notably more so than other known iguanodonts.‭ ‬The first individual of Magnamanus was at the time of its naming … Read more


In Depth        Mexichelys was originally described as a species of Euclastes,‭ ‬but was re-described to its own genus in‭ ‬2010.‭ ‬Like relative genera,‭ ‬Mexichelys is thought to have been a durophagous carnivore of shelled organisms such as molluscs and crustaceans. Further Reading -‭ ‬Euclastes coahuilaensis sp.‭ ‬nov.,‭ ‬a basal cheloniid turtle from the late Campanian … Read more


In Depth        Duriavenator was for a long time attributed to Megalosaurus,‭ ‬part‭ ‬of the‭ ‘‬wastebasket taxon‭’ ‬effect which saw Megalosaurus becoming a home for many fossils that actually represented similar yet different dinosaurs. Further Reading – A redescription of “Megalosaurus” hesperis (Dinosauria, Theropoda) from the Inferior Oolite (Bajocian, Middle Jurassic) of Dorset, United Kingdom. – … Read more