
In Depth        Cargninia is a genus of lepidosaur that lived in South America during the late Triassic. Further Reading -‭ ‬La fauna local de Faxinal do Soturno,‭ ‬Tri�sico Tard�o de Rio Grande do Sul,‭ ‬Brasil.‭ ‬Revista Brasileira de Paleontolog�a‭ ‬13‭(‬3‭)‬:233-246.‭ ‬-‭ ‬J.‭ ‬F.‭ ‬Bonaparte,‭ ‬C.‭ ‬L.‭ ‬Schultz,‭ ‬M.‭ ‬B.‭ ‬Soares‭ & ‬A.‭ ‬G.‭ ‬Martinelli‭ ‬-‭ … Read more


In Depth        Aside from being one of the best preserved Jurassic era sauropods from Africa,‭ ‬the features that really made people sit up and pay attention about Spinophorosaurus are the spiked osteoderms.‭ ‬Only a few of these were found,‭ ‬but the researchers involved with piecing Spinophorosaurus back together have come to the conclusion that these … Read more


In Depth        Named from a partial braincase,‭ ‬Vahiny is the second genus of titanosaurid dinosaur to be discovered in the Maevarano Formation of Madagascar,‭ ‬with the first being Rapetosaurus.‭ ‬The titanosaur Rapetosaurus has attained almost legendary status since it was named due to the fact that it is the most complete titanosaur discovered and‭ ‬represented … Read more


In Depth        Gracilisuchus is a very‭ ‬Ancient,‭ ‬and very small relative of the crocodiles that we know today.‭ ‬Gracilisuchus however seems to have been mostly terrestrial walking‭ ‬about on four legs,‭ ‬but also having the ability to rear up and walk on just the two rear legs.‭ ‬The small size and gracile‭ (‬hence the name‭) … Read more


In Depth        It’s kind of obvious that the team behind the naming of the pterosaur Ikrandraco are fans of the‭ ‬2009‭ ‬film Avatar.‭ ‬The Ikran part of the name is a reference to the Ikran of the film,‭ ‬flying dragon-like creatures that are ridden by the Na’vi.‭ ‬The inspiration for this came from the large … Read more


In Depth        Known from the island of Spitsbergen in Svalbard,‭ ‬Djupedalia seems to have been a medium sized cryptoclided plesiosaur of the late Jurassic.‭ ‬The partial fossil remains of Djupedalia indicate that that the holotype was a juvenile at the time of death and that it was very similar to genera such as Muraenosaurus and … Read more


In Depth        Jidapterus has had an uncertain phylogenetic history with researchers either not knowing or not agreeing on where to place it. Most now agree that Jidapterus belongs with the azhdarchid pterosaurs within the chaoyangopteridae because of its similarities to Chaoyangopterus which was described in the same year as Jidapterus. Further Reading – On a … Read more



In Depth        Pterosaurs that belong to the Dsungaripteridae group are thought to have primarily if not exclusively fed upon shell fish, and adaptations for this diet can be clearly seen in Dsungaripterus itself. The tip of the snout is toothless and curves upwards. This would have been ideal for levering up shellfish that were stuck … Read more


In Depth        Ischioceratops is a genus of small ceratopsian dinosaur that lived in what is now China during the late Cretaceous.‭ ‬Ischioceratops is a rare example of a ceratopsian dinosaur being named without any skull fossils.‭ ‬This has been possible in this case because the hip structure of Ischioceratops is quite unlike any other ceratopsian … Read more


In Depth        First described in‭ ‬2001,‭ ‬Nothronychus was the first genus of therizinosaurid dinosaur to be discovered in North America‭ (‬the state of New Mexico in the USA‭)‬,‭ ‬with other earlier notable discoveries such as Beipiaosaurus and Therizinosaurus being discovered in China and Mongolia.‭ ‬However the first fossil of Nothronychus called an ischium‭ (‬the rear … Read more