
In Depth        Garjainia is a close relative of the more famous Erythrosuchus,‭ ‬and like that genus,‭ ‬Garjainia also had what appeared to be an oversized head.‭ ‬This head,‭ ‬filled with numerous sharp teeth would have been the primary killing weapon against the herbivorous animals of the time. Further Reading -‭ ‬A New Species of Garjainia … Read more


In Depth        Sebecus is a genus of notosuchian crocodylomorph that is known to have lived in South America during the earliest part of the Eocene.‭ ‬Sebecus would‭ ‬have been predators of other similarly sized animals,‭ ‬but unlike crocodiles that we know today,‭ ‬Sebecus would have been more terrestrial and hunting on the land.‭ ‬Details of … Read more


In Depth        Sulaimanisaurus was described by M.‭ ‬Sadiq Malkani in‭ ‬2006‭ ‬from seven caudal‭ (‬tail‭)‬ vertebrae,‭ ‬with a further four attributed to the genus.‭ ‬Sulaimanisaurus was then classed into the Pakisauridae,‭ ‬created by Malkani,‭ ‬along with Khetranisaurus and Pakisaurus‭ (‬the latter being the type genus‭)‬,‭ ‬two more titanosaurs described by Malkani only from caudal vertebrae.‭ … Read more


In Depth        Described in‭ ‬2015,‭ ‬Carnufex may well have been one of the key predators that lived in what would become the eastern USA during the Triassic about‭ ‬231‭ ‬million years ago.‭ ‬Carnufex was a crocodylomorph,‭ ‬a distant relative to today’s crocodiles,‭ ‬and one that seems to have been a bipedal predator of moderately sized … Read more


In Depth        Mariliasuchus appears to have been an almost entirely terrestrial‭ (‬living on land‭) ‬crocodylomorph.‭ ‬The eyes of Mariliasuchus are located more to the sides rather than on top of the head,‭ ‬and the nostrils faced forwards rather than upwards.‭ ‬In aquatic crocodylomorphs‭ ‬both the nostrils and eyes almost always face upwards.‭ ‬Despite this though,‭ … Read more


In Depth        Tralkasaurus was named from very partial fossil remains, so it is hard to be certain and the full life features of this dinosuar. At the time of discovery, what can be said is that Tralkasaurus seems to have been an abelisaurid theropod, and one that seems to have been smaller than most other … Read more



In Depth        Sauropelta is one of the better known nodosaurids,‭ ‬armoured dinosaurs that are thought to be ancestral to the later and more heavily armoured ankylosaurids.‭ ‬This armour was in the form of lots of osteoderms‭ (‬bony plates that are held within the skin that are also sometimes called scutes‭) ‬that varied greatly in size … Read more


In Depth        Siamraptor is a genus of carcharodontosaurid dinosaur that lived in Asia during the early Cretaceous.‭ ‬The holotype individual of Siamraptor is only known from a partial skull,‭ ‬jawbone and a few post cranial bones,‭ ‬so precise details or any unusual features if they existed,‭ ‬are still unknown.‭ ‬These scattered bones however do indicate … Read more


In Depth        In simple terms Eucnemesaurus was a prosauropod,‭ ‬a member of the group that was ancestral to the later larger sauropods.‭ ‬Eucnemesaurus has a better know association with a former dinosaur genus Aliwalia.‭ ‬Aliwalia was big news when described,‭ ‬even though it was only described from a femur and a partial maxilla.‭ ‬The maxilla … Read more


In Depth        Noted for its similarity to the genus Tapejara,‭ ‬Caiuajara is a tapejarid pterosaur that lived in South America during the late Cretaceous.‭ ‬Tapejarid pterosaurs are noted for their large head crests,‭ ‬and‭ ‬Caiuajara is no exception.‭ ‬The crest of Caiuajara has been reconstructed to have formed a crest shaped much like a shark … Read more