
In Depth        Drinker might sound like an odd name for a dinosaur,‭ ‬but this dinosaur is named‭ ‬after‭ ‬Edward Drinker Cope,‭ ‬a man who in the late nineteenth century‭ ‬who‭ ‬made many of the most important discoveries in American paleontological history during that time.‭ ‬Most of this is derived from Cope’s involvement in the‭ ‘‬Bone … Read more


In Depth        Maip is a genus of megaraptorid dinosaur that lived in South America during the Late Cretaceous,‭ ‬and going by the‭ ‬size of the fossil bones,‭ ‬potentially one of the largest megaraptorid dinosaurs so far discovered.‭ ‬The describing authors of Maip also considered the‭ ‬presence of potential attachment points of ligaments upon the ribs.‭ … Read more


In Depth        Bicentenaria is an interesting theropod whose remains were recovered from the Ezequiel Ramos Mexia Reservoir,‭ ‬Rio Negro Province,‭ ‬Argentina by Raul Spedale in‭ ‬1998.‭ ‬The remains were of a concentration of disarticulated remains of many individuals,‭ ‬but their similarity to one another strongly suggests that they were all from the same genus of … Read more


In Depth        Though first described from a partial maxilla,‭ ‬the mosasaur Xenodens seems to have had very specialised teeth.‭ ‬These teeth are individually short and flattened into stout blade-like form,‭ ‬but when in the jaw,‭ ‬are tightly packed together to form what can only be described as a saw blade-like structure.‭ ‬Indeed,‭ ‬the type species … Read more


In Depth        Dromomeron is a genus of small dinosauromorph that lived in North America during the late Triassic.‭ ‬Since being first described in‭ ‬2007,‭ ‬the recovery and study of Dromomeron fossils in the south west of the USA has revealed an interesting discovery.‭ ‬Though only known from the partial remains of a few individuals,‭ ‬these … Read more


In Depth        Guaibasaurus is known from fairly good remains,‭ ‬though the skull is unknown.‭ ‬When first described,‭ ‬Guaibasaurus was considered to be a potential theropod dinosaur,‭ ‬though later a similarity with the primitive sauropodomorph dinosaur Saturnalia was noted,‭ ‬and now Guaibasaurus is usually seen as a very primitive sauropodomorph dinosaur. Further Reading -‭ ‬A new … Read more


In Depth        First discovered in‭ ‬2009,‭ ‬the holotype specimen of Cryopterygius was found quite complete,‭ ‬only the posterior portion of the tail is missing.‭ ‬The main length of Cryopterygius from the tip of the snout to the posterior regions of the body is just over four and a half meters long,‭ ‬Depending upon how long … Read more


In Depth        Usually seen as a nothosaur,‭ ‬Simosaurus was a marine reptile that lived in European waters during the Triassic.‭ ‬The teeth of Simosaurus are quite blunt and while the jaws of Simosaurus are quite gracile,‭ ‬the way the muscles attached show that they could be closed very quickly.‭ ‬It is possible that Simosaurus used … Read more


In Depth        Heterodontosaurus is one of more popular ornithischian genera thanks to the mixture of teeth in the mouth.‭ ‬Heterodontosaurus had blade-like incisor teeth and chisel-like molar teeth within the mouth for processing food by slicing and grinding respectively.‭ ‬The show stealing features of the mouth however are the large tusks in the anterior‭ (‬front‭) … Read more


In Depth        Vectaerovenator is a genus of theropod dinosaur that lived during the early cretaceous.‭ ‬Because the only fossil known for Vectaerovenator at the time of its description only consist of a few vertebrae,‭ ‬there is much we do not know about this dinosaur,‭ ‬including what kind of theropod dinosaur it was.‭ ‬Since the naming … Read more