
In Depth        The description of Loricosaurus was first based upon the discovery of osteoderm armour that was initially perceived to have come from an ankylosaur.‭ ‬Later it was realised that these osteoderms actually came from a titanosaur,‭ ‬however,‭ ‬by themselves they are not very diagnostic of a distinct genus,‭ ‬which is why Loricosaurus is widely … Read more


In Depth        Formally named in‭ ‬2017,‭ ‬Thaumatodracon was a medium sized rhomaleosaurid pliosaur.‭ ‬For those unfamiliar with the term,‭ ‬rhomaleosaurids were very similar to the long necked plesiosaurs,‭ ‬but with significantly larger skulls than other pliosaurs.‭ ‬As such,‭ ‬and like other rhomaleosaurids,‭ ‬Thaumatodracon would have been a predator of medium to large sized fish,‭ ‬hunting … Read more



In Depth        Rutiodon was one of the earliest known phytosaurs,‭ ‬and to this day is one that is usually illustrated as an example of the group.‭ ‬Like with the other phytosaurs,‭ ‬Rutiodon had an incredible similarity to today‭’‬s crocodiles,‭ ‬something that still to this day causes some to incorrectly call‭ ‬phytosaurs ancient crocodiles.‭ ‬In actuality … Read more


In Depth        By the start of the Late Cretaceous the central portion of North America had been submerged by a shallow sea.‭ ‬This created two landmasses out of the North American continent,‭ ‬Laramidia in the west and Appalachia in the east.‭ ‬Most Cretaceous era dinosaurs from North America have been found in what was once … Read more


In Depth        At eight meters long Rocasaurus was actually quite small for a sauropod,‭ ‬though it still would have been one of the larger dinosaurs on the landscapes of late Cretaceous Argentina.‭ ‬However if the holotype is correctly interpreted as that of a juvenile,‭ ‬then adults of the genus would have certainly grown larger.        Another … Read more


In Depth        Huehuecanauhtlus easily has one of the hardest genus names to pronounce of any dinosaur.‭ ‬That aside,‭ ‬Huehuecanauhtlus was a genus of hadrosauroid dinosaurs that lived in what is now Mexico during the late Cretaceous.‭ ‬The region that the Huehuecanauhtlus holotypes are known from would have been near the southern tip of the landmass … Read more



In Depth        Although the last part of the name,‭ ‬suchus,‭ ‬translates to English as crocodile,‭ ‬Ornithosuchus was actually an archosaur.‭ ‬These were the dominant reptiles of the Triassic some of which would diverge into true crocodiles,‭ ‬while others would take different paths to evolve into the dinosaurs.‭ ‬In fact the long hind legs that would … Read more


In Depth        As a coelophysid,‭ ‬Lucianovenator was a small predatory dinosaur similar in form to other genera such as Camposaurus and Coelophysis.‭ ‬Lucianovenator would have been a predator of small creatures such as lizards and possibly scavenging carrion when available.‭ ‬Lucianovenator shared the same habitat‭ ‬with the dinosaurs Ingentia and Leyesaurus,‭ ‬while other creatures such … Read more


In Depth        Procompsognathus has often been recreated in popular science work about dinosaurs where it is usually depicted as a very small bipedal theropod dinosaur.‭ ‬However since the initial description of the‭ ‬holotype fossils,‭ ‬further specimens have been referred to the genus,‭ ‬though these are controversial fossils that are widely seen as not belonging to … Read more


In Depth        Although weathered and not entirely complete,‭ ‬the holotype of Linhevenator is still one of the most complete Late Cretaceous troodontid individuals so far known.‭ ‬Linhevenator is towards the larger end of the known troodontid size range,‭ ‬but its main unique features are its small arms,‭ ‬each with a very robust humerus.‭ ‬This may … Read more