
In Depth        Rhabdodon is for lack of a better term a puzzle.‭ ‬Although usually described as an iguanodont,‭ ‬Rhabdodon has also been considered as a hypsilophodont,‭ ‬and on top of this it has also been described as a‭ ‘‬missing link‭’ ‬between these two groups of dinosaurs.‭ ‬To further the confusion however,‭ ‬Rhabdodon lived in the … Read more


In Depth        Protostega is one of the largest turtles to ever swim in the ocean and so far is only eclipsed by Archelon in terms of overall size.‭ ‬Like with Archelon,‭ ‬Protostega is thought to have had a‭ ‘‬soft‭’ ‬shell similar to the modern leatherback turtle‭ (‬Dermochelys coriacea‭)‬.‭ ‬Also like with Archelon,‭ ‬Protostega is thought … Read more


In Depth        Manidens is a genus of heterodontosaurid dinosaur that lived in Argentina during the Late Cretaceous.‭ ‬As a heterodontosaurid dinosaur,‭ ‬Manidens had a combination of differently formed teeth within the mouth,‭ ‬and for this reason Manidens is often considered to have been omnivorous,‭ ‬however,‭ ‬so far no stomach contents have been identified to confirm … Read more


In Depth        Dating from the Bathonian period,‭ ‬Kileskus is even older than Guanlong making it a contender for one of the earliest tyrannosaurs.‭ ‬The partial skull remains have revealed the presence of a crest that rose up from the snout.‭ ‬Beyond this the only thing that can be said about Kileskus is that‭ ‬it‭ ‬appears … Read more


In Depth        Galleonosaurus is a genus of ornithopod dinosaur that lived in Australia during the early Cretaceous.‭ ‬The holotype for the genus is a hollow jaw bone,‭ ‬and at the time of writing no other fossil remains are known for this dinosaur.‭ ‬The name Galleoosaurus was chosen because when the fossil bone was held upside‭ … Read more


In Depth        The first sauropod dinosaur to ever be named was Cetiosaurus,‭ ‬which was named in‭ ‬1841‭ ‬by Richard Owen.‭ ‬Owen however did not realise that he was dealing with a dinosaur,‭ ‬he actually thought that he was dealing with a giant marine crocodile.‭ ‬The first sauropod to actually be identified as a dinosaur was … Read more


In Depth        Caryonosuchus is a genus of sphagesaurid notosuchian crocodylomorph that lived in South America during the latter stages of the Cretaceous.‭ ‬So far Caryonosuchus is only known from partial remains,‭ ‬but if relative genera are anything to‭ ‬go by,‭ ‬Caryonosuchus may well have been herbivorous. Further Reading -‭ ‬A new crocodylomorph‭ (‬Sphagesauridae,‭ ‬Notosuchia‭) ‬with … Read more


In Depth        Saniwa is one of the better known genera of prehistoric monitor lizard,‭ ‬and although initially only known from North America,‭ ‬specimens are now known from Europe as well as northern Asia.‭ ‬Like monitor lizards living today,‭ ‬Saniwa was a predator.‭ ‬Juvenile monitor lizards tend to focus upon hunting invertebrates like insects,‭ ‬but as … Read more


In Depth        Pyroraptor acquired its name from the circumstances of its discovery.‭ ‬In‭ ‬1992‭ ‬the partially preserved remains of this dinosaur where discovered after a forest fire had swept through the area.‭ ‬Despite the very incomplete remains it has been possible to identify Pyroraptor as a distinct genus from the unique form of the sickle-shaped … Read more


In Depth        The holotype fossils of Duriatitan have were previously considered to be species of the genera Ornithopsis and Pelorosaurus,‭ ‬finally settling in Cetiosaurus,‭ ‬by John Hulke all the way back in‭ ‬1874,‭ ‬before finally being named as a distinct genus in a‭ ‬2010‭ ‬re-description.‭ ‬Duriatitan however still suffers from a distinct lack of fossils,‭ … Read more