
In Depth        When first described in‭ ‬1858‭ ‬by Richard Owen,‭ ‬the type specimen of Valdoraptor was interpreted as a foot belonging to the armoured dinosaur Hylaeosaurus.‭ ‬In‭ ‬1881,‭ ‬John Hulke scored nearer the mark by identifying the foot as belonging to a theropod dinosaur.‭ ‬From here the foot was attributed to Megalosaurus by Richard Lydekker … Read more



In Depth        Arizonasaurus has enjoyed a lot of popularity since the discovery of a far more complete specimen in‭ ‬2002.‭ ‬Before this Arizonasaurus was only known from very partial remains‭ ‬that were only diagnostic enough to classify it as a rauisuchian,‭ ‬reptiles that were the dominant predators of the Triassic while the early dinosaurs were … Read more


In Depth        The one‭ ‘‬fact‭’ ‬that is often presented for Alamosaurus is that it is named after the Alamo,‭ ‬the famous mission in San Antonia that was the site for one of the most important battles in the Texas Revolution.‭ ‬However this is completely false and the truth of the matter is that the first … Read more


In Depth        Pellegrinisaurus is a genus of titanosaur that lived in South America during the late cretaceous.‭ ‬So far most of the fossils attributed to Pellegrinisaurus are vertebra,‭ ‬however these are mostly from the tail with only a small number of back vertebrae known.‭ ‬This makes an exact size estimate impossible to establish because we … Read more


In Depth        The first fossils of Lusotitan were found in‭ ‬1947,‭ ‬and named in‭ ‬1957‭ ‬as a species of Brachiosaurus by Albert-F�lix de Lapparent and Georges Zbyszewski.‭ ‬In‭ ‬2003‭ ‬Oct�vio Mateus‭ & ‬Miguel Telles Antunes renamed the fossils as Lusotitan atalaiensis on the basis that the differences were greater than what was to be expected … Read more


In Depth        Larachelus was a pan-cryptodiran turtle,‭ ‬and the appearance of the genus‭ ‬in early Cretaceous era rocks of Spain has helped reveal the range and diversity pan-cryptodiran turtles. Further Reading -‭ ‬Larachelus morla,‭ ‬gen.‭ ‬Et sp.‭ ‬Nov.,‭ ‬a new member of the little-known European Early Cretaceous record of stem cryptodiran turtles‭ ‬-‭ ‬Journal of … Read more


In Depth        An early Cretaceous sauropod dinosaur from South America,‭ ‬the precise size of Amargatitanis is hard to establish due to lack of remains.‭ ‬The name Amargatitanis is a reference to its discovery in the La Amarga Formation,‭ ‬and its titanosaurian lineage.‭ ‬Other sauropods known from the La Amarga Formation include Zapalasaurus and the similarly … Read more


In Depth        Brasileodactylus may have had a crest on the back of its head, and this is why Ludodactylus has been suggested as a synonym of Brasileodactylus. Both pterosaurs have very similar skulls, but Ludodactylus has a crest similar in appearance to that of Pteranodon. If Brasileodactylus is proven to have a crest like Ludodactylus … Read more


In Depth        Atychodracon was originally named as a species of Plesiosaurus back in‭ ‬1846‭ ‬when the first specimen was described by Samuel Stuchbury.‭ ‬At this time Plesiosaurus had fast become a wastebasket taxon with any fossils remotely similar to Plesiosaurus being almost immediately attributed to the genus as a new species.‭ ‬Many former species of … Read more


In Depth        One of the smaller South American titanosaurs,‭ ‬Tapuiasaurus is also one of the few titanosaur genera where skull fossils are also known. Further Reading -‭ ‬A Complete Skull of an Early Cretaceous Sauropod and the Evolution of Advanced Titanosaurians.‭ ‬-‭ ‬PLoS ONE‭ ‬6‭ (‬2‭)‬:‭ ‬e16663.‭ ‬-‭ ‬Hussam Zaher,‭ ‬Diego Pol,‭ ‬Alberto B.‭ ‬Carvalho,‭ … Read more