

In Depth        Just like with Ankylosaurus,‭ ‬Nodosaurus is the type genus of a whole group of armoured dinosaurs,‭ ‬yet it is also one of the most poorly represented by fossil material.‭ ‬The nodosaurids are thought to be the ancestors of the ankylosaurids,‭ ‬although to have continued to thrive even in the presence of their more … Read more


In Depth        At fifteen meters long it could be said that Datousaurus was a lower average in terms of sauropod sizes of the Jurassic era.‭ ‬The skull of Datousaurus is noted as being deep with‭ ‘‬spoon-shaped‭’ ‬teeth for processing plants.‭ ‬Datousaurus is also noted for having a higher reach than some other sauropods that lived … Read more


In Depth        Alwalkeria was originally named in‭ ‬1986‭ ‬as Walkeria,‭ ‬however the genus name Walkeria was later found to be as preoccupied as it had already been used to name a bryozoan‭ (‬a kind of tiny aquatic invertebrate‭)‬.‭ ‬This necessited a revision to the name since naming priority is always given to the first creature … Read more


In Depth        Sanxiasaurus is a genus of small ornithischian dinosaur that lived in China during the mid Jurassic. Further Reading -‭ ‬A neornithischian dinosaur from the Middle Jurassic Xintiangou Formation of Yunyang,‭ ‬Chongqing,‭ ‬China:‭ ‬the earliest record in Asia.‭ ‬-‭ ‬Historical Biology:‭ ‬1‭–‬14.‭ ‬-‭ ‬Ning Li,‭ ‬Hui Dai,‭ ‬Chao Tan,‭ ‬Xufeng Hu,‭ ‬Zhaoying Wei,‭ ‬Yu … Read more


In Depth        Ferrisaurus is a genus of leptoceratopsian dinosaur that lived in Canada towards the end of the Cretaceous period. Further Reading -‭ ‬A new leptoceratopsid dinosaur from Maastrichtian-aged deposits of the Sustut Basin,‭ ‬northern British Columbia,‭ ‬Canada.‭ ‬-‭ ‬PeerJ.‭ ‬-‭ ‬Victoria Arbour‭ & ‬David Evans‭ ‬-‭ ‬2019.


In Depth        The first pachycepahlosaurid dinosaur known from Alaska,‭ ‬Alaskacephale is also one of the few dinosaurs known to have lived in the area that would become that state.‭ ‬Unfortunately not a lot is known about this dinosaur because of a current sever lack of remains,‭ ‬but the original describers believe that Alaskacephale may have … Read more


In Depth        Named in‭ ‬2011,‭ ‬Decuriasuchus seems to have been like many predatory archosaurs in appearance,‭ ‬moderate in size,‭ ‬and capable of taking down similar sized animals.‭ ‬What has made palaeontologists sit up take notice however is that when Decuriasuchus was first found they didn’t find just one,‭ ‬but nine individuals buried together,‭ ‬with a … Read more


In Depth        Corythoraptor is a genus of oviraptorid dinosaur that lived in China during the late Cretaceous.‭ ‬Corythoraptor has been described as having a head crest similar to that of a modern day cassowary.‭ ‬The beak of Corythoraptor was also more pointed towards the end,‭ ‬suggesting feeding specialisation.‭ ‬Corythoraptor is one of many oviraptorid dinosaurs … Read more


In Depth        Pristichampsus is a crocodile that bears all of the hallmarks of a terrestrial lifestyle rather than an aquatic one like todays crocodiles.‭ ‬The key clues to this lifestyle can be seen in the legs which are longer than those of semi-aquatic crocodiles to allow for more terrestrial locomotion.‭ ‬Additionally the ends of the … Read more


In Depth        Nicrosaurus is another one of the phytosaurs,‭ ‬reptiles that have a striking similarity to modern crocodiles,‭ ‬although the position of the nostrils higher up the snout and in front of the eyes is a dead giveaway that Nicrosaurus is a phytosaur‭ (‬crocodiles have their nostrils on the tips of their snouts‭)‬.‭ ‬Nicrosaurus is … Read more