
In Depth        Psittacopes is an early genus of parrot that lived during the Eocene.‭ ‬Fossil remains of Psittacopes are known from England and Germany,‭ ‬suggesting that Psittacopes may have been quite widespread across Western Europe. Further Reading -‭ ‬Eocene parrots from Messel.‭ (‬Hessen,‭ ‬Germany‭) ‬and the London Clay of Walton-on-the-Naze‭ (‬Essex,‭ ‬England‭)‬,‭ ‬Senckenbergiana Lethaia‭ ‬78:‭ … Read more


In Depth        Although only named from two leg bones,‭ ‬these are of such size that Heracles was a very large bird in life.‭ ‬Originally thought to belong to an eagle,‭ ‬the bones were later identified as belonging to a parrot.‭ ‬Although incomplete,‭ ‬comparing the bones to other parrot genera and scaling their bones to fit … Read more