
In Depth        Originally named as a species of Shweboemys,‭ ‬Brontochelys is a little known genus of side-necked turtle that lived in Pakistan during the early Miocene.‭ ‬The type species is named in honour of Eugene Gaffney for his work on turtles. Further Reading -‭ ‬A review of the fossil Pelomedusidae‭ (‬Testudines,‭ ‬Pleurodira‭) ‬of Asia.‭ ‬Breviora‭ … Read more


In Depth        Shweboemys is a genus of turtle that is known to have lived in Asia during the late Cretaceous.‭ ‬A former species of Shweboemys,‭ ‬S.‭ ‬gaffneyi,‭ ‬has now been renamed as a distinct genus called Brontochelys. Further Reading – A new fossil fresh-water tortoise from Burma. – Records of the Geological Survey of India … Read more


In Depth        Stupendemys was a genus of pleurodiran turtle,‭ ‬a type better known as a side-necked turtle.‭ ‬Side necked turtles acquired their name because their necks are so long that the only way they could fit under the shell was to fold their necks into one side.‭ ‬The preserved length of the largest known Stupendemys … Read more