
In Depth        Megapaloelodus is a genus of extinct bird close in form and ecological niche to a modern flamingo,‭ ‬though at the same time Megapaloelodus was only a distant relative.‭ ‬Megapaloelodus is immediately notable for having a distinctly different ankle structure to that of a modern flamingo.‭ ‬This ankle may have allowed the leg to … Read more


In Depth        Palaelodus is the type genus of‭ ‬the‭ ‬Palaelodidae,‭ ‬a sister group to the birds that we today know as flamingos.‭ ‬Though perceived to be flamingo-like,‭ ‬Palaelodus is also noted as being primitive in form to the point that it may have actually swum through the water instead of only wading through it.‭ ‬The … Read more