
In Depth        Ajnabia is a genus of hadrosaurid dinosaur that lived during the late‭ ‬Maastrichtian period towards the end of the Cretaceous period.‭ ‬Ajnabia made headlines in the paleontological world when it was described as this represented the first time that hadrosaurid dinosaur fossils had been found in‭ ‬Africa.‭ ‬Hadrosaurid dinosaurs were for a long … Read more


In Depth        Latirhinus should not be confused with Altirhinus,‭ ‬as not only do they have similar sounding names‭ (‬only difference being the position of the‭ ’‬l‭’ ‬and‭ ’‬a‭’ ‬at the start‭)‬,‭ ‬both were hadrosaurs and both were named after the enlarged bony protuberances on their snouts.‭ ‬Latirhinus was a form of saurolophine hadrosaur,‭ ‬a type … Read more


In Depth        Hypacrosaurus means‭ ‘‬near the highest lizard‭’‬,‭ ‬and in this context the‭ ‘‬lizard‭’ ‬was actually the dinosaur Tyrannosaurus,‭ ‬one of the largest dinosaurs in the ecosystems of late Cretaceous North America,‭ ‬but only about a third larger than Hypacrosaurus in the largest individuals‭ (‬twelve meters for large individual Tyrannosaurus compared to nine meters for … Read more


In Depth        Arenysaurus was a late Cretaceous hadrosaurid dinosaur,‭ ‬and of extra significance‭ ‬since‭ ‬it was a lambeosaurine.‭ ‬This means that Arenysaurus had a hollow crest on its head,‭ ‬and lived in a time when lambeosaurine hadrosaurs had been largely replaced by saurolophine hadrosaurs in other parts of the world like in North America. Further … Read more


In Depth        Nipponosaurus is classed as a lambeosaurine hadrosaurid because of the hollow head crest that rises up from the top of the snout,‭ ‬though the incomplete nature of the known remains makes it hard to establish fine details,‭ ‬and reconstructions are usually completed with comparisons to other better preserved genera.‭ ‬Also,‭ ‬because the fossils … Read more


In Depth        The description of Velafrons is based upon the remains of a juvenile individual.‭ ‬This has allowed for an increased insight into how hadrosaurs developed as they grew up,‭ ‬though the case of Velafrons is a little different.‭ ‬Most hadrosaurs known from juvenile individuals show a proportionately large skull in relation to the body … Read more


In Depth        Out of all the hadrosaurs‭ (‬popularly known as duckbilled dinosaurs‭) ‬Aralosaurus is noted for having extremely little in the way of fossil material attributed to it‭; ‬a piece of the skull.‭ ‬This piece however does suggest the presence of an arched nasal area similar to that seen in other genera such as Gryposaurus … Read more


lambeosaurus Illustration

Lambeosaurus the dinosaur        Lambeosaurus is one of the hadrosaurs that is frequently depicted in dinosaur books and toys,‭ ‬and study of this genus is required learning for anyone who wishes to know more about the hadrosaurs in general.        Lambeosaurus is best known from Canada and upper Montana USA,‭ ‬although other attributed fossils in the past … Read more



In Depth        At up to nine meters long Maiasaura was not amongst the largest known hadrosaurid dinosaurs,‭ ‬though it still tipped the scale to be considered big for its kind.‭ ‬Like with its hadrosaurid relatives,‭ ‬Maiasaura is thought to have been a primarily bipedal dinosaur,‭ ‬though one that was at least capable of balancing if … Read more


In Depth        Telmatosaurus was originally named as Limnosaurus transsylvanicus,‭ ‬however after this naming in transpired that the genus name Limnosaurus had already been used by the American palaeontologist Othniel Charles Marsh to name a crocodile‭ (‬later it would actually be declared a synonym of Pristichampsus‭)‬.‭ ‬The original name came about from the popular idea of … Read more