

In Depth        Gorgonops is the type genus of the Gorgonopsia,‭ ‬though paradoxically it is not the best represented by fossil remains.‭ ‬Gorgonops was a therapsid,‭ ‬a kind of creature more derived than a therapsid,‭ ‬yet still much more primitive than mammals which would eventually evolve from them.‭ ‬Because of the mammal lineage there has been … Read more



In Depth        Lycaenops acquired its name from the striking similarity between it and modern wolves.‭ ‬Although Lycaenops itself was what is loosely termed a mammal like reptile,‭ ‬its similarity to wolves is most likely a case of convergent evolution.‭ ‬Some sources about prehistoric animals also go one further and claim that Lycaenops also hunted in … Read more