
lythronax 1

In Depth        First discovered‭ ‬in‭ ‬2009‭ ‬and officially named in November‭ ‬2013,‭ ‬stratigraphical analysis of the Lythronax holotype remains has led to them being estimated as being deposited around‭ ‬80.6‭ ‬to‭ ‬79.9‭ ‬million years ago.‭ ‬This makes Lythronax one of the oldest tyrannosaurids known in North America,‭ ‬and at least‭ ‬2‭ ‬million years older than … Read more


In Depth        Qianzhousaurus is a genus of medium sized tyrannosaurid dinosaur that lived in China during the late Cretaceous,‭ ‬and at the time of its description,‭ ‬unlike any other tyrannosaur previously seen.‭ ‬Some Asian tyrannosaur genera such as Alioramus have been noted for having gracile builds and proportionately slightly longer snouts than their larger cousins … Read more



In Depth        Vulcanodon is easily one of the more popular dinosaur genera,‭ ‬and one that has had a number of‭ ‘‬firsts‭’ ‬attributed to it.‭ ‬However,‭ ‬our understanding of this genus and changed considerably since it was first described in‭ ‬1972.‭ ‬The name Vulcanodon means‭ ‘‬volcano tooth‭’ ‬and‭ ‬is a reference to the discovery of Vulcanodon … Read more


tyrannosaurus illustration

       Tyrannosaurus rex has been known to science since the end of the nineteenth century,‭ ‬and to this day remains arguably the most popular dinosaur the world over.‭ ‬This is evidenced by its almost mandatory inclusion in books,‭ ‬TV shows,‭ ‬games and websites that are about dinosaurs in general.‭ ‬Tyrannosaurus also probably has more toys and … Read more



In Depth        Concavenator is certainly different from the other known theropod dinosaurs that came before it.‭ ‬Its‭ ‬most striking feature is the protrusion above its hips that is caused by the extension of two presacral vertebrae.‭ ‬Its speculated that these vertebrae would have supported either a sail or hump structure.‭ ‬Theories as to its purpose … Read more


In Depth        Fossils of Sibirotitan were first found in Russia during the‭ ‬1950s,‭ ‬but‭ ‬not‭ ‬named until the disarticulated bones were put together and finally given a name in‭ ‬2018.‭ ‬At the time of the genus description,‭ ‬Sibirotitan was regarded as one of the oldest titanisauriform sauropod dinosaurs on the Asian continent.‭ ‬Further detail than … Read more



In Depth        Linhenykus has the distinctive feature of incredibly reduced arms that are typical of the alvarezsauroids. What makes Lynhenykus stand out from the group though is the fact that it had only one finger. A bone for a second finger was discovered but the nub is not thought to have been functional.        Although at … Read more


In Depth        Nqwebasaurus was a small theropod from probably the early Cretaceous of Southern Africa,‭ ‬but exactly what kind has been hard to establish.‭ ‬Current thinking is that Nqwebasaurus was actually a primitive ornithomimosaur,‭ ‬since specimens of Nqwebasaurus seem to show fewer teeth in the jaws than those of other theropods.‭ ‬This would follow the … Read more


In Depth        Datonglong is a genus of hadrosauroid dinosaur that lived in China during the late Cretaceous.‭ ‬Unfortunately not much is known about this genus because only a jaw‭ ‬is known,‭ ‬however the teeth are noted as attaining lengths of up to five and a half centimetres.        Datonglong should not be confused with the predatory … Read more


In Depth        Blasisaurus is a genus of hadrosaur that is currently only known from a partial skull and jaws.‭ ‬Despite the fact that Blasisaurus is known only from partial fragmentary remains,‭ ‬the genus serves as a rare example of a European hadorsaur.‭ ‬Another genus of hadrosaur also known to have lived in Spain is Arenysaurus. … Read more