
In Depth        Endothiodon is certainly one of the more interesting genera of dicynodont.‭ ‬First named in‭ ‬1876‭ ‬from fossils discovered in South Africa,‭ ‬Endothiodon is not only known from other African countries such as Tanzania,‭ ‬Zambia and Mozambique,‭ ‬but the genus is also known‭ ‬from‭ ‬India in Asia,‭ ‬and now also Brazil in South America.‭ … Read more


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In Depth        Diictodon was a burrowing dicynodont that appears to have been extremely numerous and widespread. It had a short round body, stubby legs and sharp claws on the front feet, all very good adaptations for burrowing life. Although Diictodon did not build interconnecting burrows with others of its species, evidence suggests that large numbers … Read more


In Depth        With a length approaching two hundred and forty centimetres long, Dinodontosaurus was certainly large for a dicynodont, though relative genera such as Placerias and Kannemeyeria were even larger still. Dinodontosaurus are quite common, especially in South America where the majority of known fossils come from. The name Dinodontosaurus means ‘terrible toothed lizard’, and … Read more