

In Depth        Castoroides is another example of how back in the Pleistocene animals were just bigger than they were today.‭ ‬Also known as the‭ ‘‬giant beaver‭’‬,‭ ‬Castoroides is not just the largest beaver that we currently know about,‭ ‬but it is the largest rodent known to have ever lived on the North American continent.‭ ‬At … Read more


In Depth        Palaeocastor is most famous for the elaborate spiral burrows‭ (‬popularly known as devil’s corkscrews‭) ‬that it actually dug out using its teeth instead of its claws.‭ ‬These burrows were discovered long before the first specimen of Palaeocastor was identified,‭ ‬and had previously been interpreted as being the fossilised remains of aquatic sponges or … Read more