Although classed as an amphicyonine bear dog, Haplocyonoides is sometimes further divided into a group called the Haplocyoninae. This group also includes Haplocyon and Haplocyonopsis.
Although classed as an amphicyonine bear dog, Haplocyonoides is sometimes further divided into a group called the Haplocyoninae. This group also includes Haplocyon and Haplocyonopsis.
In Depth Whereas most modern mustelids are relatively small predators that hunt small animals, Megalictis was the prehistoric giant that was comparable to modern dogs and big cats. However exactly how big remains a matter of debate amongst researchers with some saying that Megalictis was relatively light weight at around twenty kilograms, with others suggesting … Read more
In Depth Ursus spelaeus, better known as the cave bear is by far one of the most common Pleistocene mammals in the fossil record, thanks mainly due to its behaviour of frequenting caves. In fact the fossils of Ursus spelaeus are so numerous that in World War I the German army used them as a … Read more
In Depth The Kurī was introduced to New Zealand with the arrival of the first people sometime in the late thirteenth century. At the time of its arrival, the Kurī was the largest mammalian predator in New Zealand (not counting people), though the Kurī is often credited with being about the size of a … Read more
In Depth Dinailurictis is so similar to another nimravid called Quercylurus that it has actually been considered to be a synonym to it. Also like with Quercylurus, Dinailurictis has also been considered to be a synonym to Nimravus, the type genus of the Nimravidae. However not all researchers are convinced by these ideas, one reason … Read more
In Depth Unfortunately we cannot bring much information on this bear dog. Further Reading Further reading- �ber tertia?re Spaltenf�llungen im Fr�nkischen und Schw�bischen Jura [On Tertiary fissure fillings in the Franconian and Swabian Jura]. – Abhandlungen der Bayerischen Akademie der Wissenschaften Mathematisch-naturwissenschaftliche Abteilung, Neue Folge 29:1-86. – R. Dehm – 1935.
In Depth Further Reading – A new record of giant short-faced bear, Arctodus simus, from western North America with a re-evaluation of its paleobiology. – Contributions in Science, Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County 371:1-12. – S. D. Emslie & N. J. Czaplewski – 1985. – The short-faced bear Arctodus simus from the late … Read more
In Depth Further Reading - Nachweis des Jaguars (Panthera onca gombaszoegensis) aus dem sp�ten Unter- oder fr�hen Mittelpleistoz�n der Niederlande. - Deinsea, Annual of the Natural History Museum Rotterdam. P. 47-57. - H. Hemmer & R.-D Kahlke - 2005. - New record of the European jaguar, Panthera onca gombaszoegensis (Kretzoi, 1938), from the Plio-Pleistocene of … Read more
In Depth Harpagophagus is but one of many ‘bear dog’ genera that lived in Europe during the Oligocene. Further Reading Further reading- Deux nouveaux carnassiers de Phosphorites du Quercy. – Annales de Paleontologie 57:117-127. – L. De Bonis – 1971.
In Depth One of the lesser known machairodonts, the placement of Adelphailurus within the machairodontinae has been questioned with speculation that it may be a false sabre-tooth. Adelphailurus also had a pair of second premolar teeth, a primitive feature that harks back to the early days of felid evolution. Although fossil remains of Adelphailurus are … Read more