
In Depth        Closely related to the genus Foxemys,‭ ‬Puentemys is recognised as the largest known bothremydid turtle in the fossil record with a shell length of just over one and a half meters.‭ ‬Bothremydid turtles like Puentemys are a special group of the Pleurodira,‭ ‬a group more popularly known as‭ ‘‬side-necked turtles‭’‬.‭ ‬This is because … Read more


In Depth        Foxemys is a genus of bothremydid turtle that is considered to have been similar to Polysternon as well as closely related to Puentemys. Further Reading -‭ ‬Foxemys,‭ ‬a new side-necked turtle‭ (‬Bothremydidae,‭ ‬Pelomedusoides‭) ‬from the late Cretaceous of France.‭ ‬-‭ ‬American Museum Novitates‭ ‬3251‭ (‬3251‭)‬:‭ ‬1‭–‬19.‭ ‬Retrieved‭ ‬19‭ ‬January‭ ‬2012.‭ ‬-‭ ‬Haiyan Tong,‭ … Read more