
In Depth        Hailing from southern China,‭ ‬Guangxicyon is noted for having a short face,‭ ‬something which may have been an adaptation for focusing the force of the jaw closing muscles for an increased bite force.‭ ‬This may have been enough to allow Guangxicyon enough bite force to crunch through bones.‭ ‬Other short faced bear dogs … Read more


       Although classed as an amphicyonine bear dog,‭ ‬Haplocyonoides is sometimes further divided into a‭ ‬group called the Haplocyoninae.‭ ‬This group also includes Haplocyon and Haplocyonopsis.


In Depth        Unfortunately we cannot bring much information on this bear dog. Further Reading Further reading- �ber tertia?re Spaltenf�llungen im Fr�nkischen und Schw�bischen Jura [On Tertiary fissure fillings in the Franconian and Swabian Jura]. – Abhandlungen der Bayerischen Akademie der Wissenschaften Mathematisch-naturwissenschaftliche Abteilung, Neue Folge 29:1-86. – R. Dehm – 1935.


In Depth        Although not very well known, Arctamphicyon might have been one of the last surviving genera of bear dog. This is based upon analysis of the faunal assemblage Dhok Pathan Formation which has yielded a concentration of other animals from these eras. Further Reading – A new amphicyonid (Mammalia, Carnivora, Amphicyonidae) from the late … Read more


In Depth        The fossil material for Magericyon was originally described as a species of Amphicyon until a new study by Peigne et al‭ ‬in‭ ‬2008.‭ ‬Magericyon was found to be different from Amphicyon by close study of the form and proportion of the teeth.‭ ‬In naming the new genus the describers chose the name Magericyon … Read more