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Nisha Yadav


Nisha Yadav is a dedicated physicist whose work bridges the gap between physics and paleontology. With a deep interest in the processes that preserve ancient life, she explores how physical principles govern fossilization and the preservation of extinct species.

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Aorun ‭(‬named after the Dragon King of the West Sea‭)‬.



Named By

J.‭ ‬N.‭ ‬Choiniere,‭ ‬J.‭ ‬M.‭ ‬Clark,‭ ‬C.‭ ‬M.‭ ‬Forster,‭ ‬M.‭ ‬A.‭ ‬Norell,‭ ‬D.‭ ‬A.‭ ‬Eberth,‭ ‬G.‭ ‬M.‭ ‬Erickson,‭ ‬H.‭ ‬Chu‭ & ‬X.‭ ‬Xu‭ ‬-‭ ‬2013.


Chordata,‭ ‬Reptilia,‭ ‬Dinosauria,‭ ‬Saurischia,‭ ‬Coelurosauria.




A.‭ ‬zhaoi‭


About‭ ‬1‭ ‬meter long for the holotype specimen,‭ ‬but this is of a juvenile,‭ ‬adults would have been larger.

Known locations

China,‭ ‬Xinjiang‭ ‬-‭ ‬Shishugou Formation,‭ ‬Wucaiwan Member.

Time Period

Late Jurassic.

Fossil representation

Holotype‭ ( ‬IVPP V15709‭) ‬represented by a skull,‭ ‬mandibles‭ (‬lower jaws‭) ‬and partial post cranial remains including vertebrae,‭ ‬hind legs and partial left fore limb.‭ ‬Holotype specimen is that of a juvenile.

In Depth

       Aorun was a genus of coelurosaurian theropod that lived in China during the late Jurassic period.‭ ‬The holotype remains of are those of an individual which means that adults would have been a bit bigger and a little different,‭ ‬though the holotype remains of this genus are still enough to identify a new dinosaur.‭ ‬The teeth of Aorun are noted as being finely serrated or not at all,‭ ‬though it is recognised that this may be because the holotype specimen is that of a juvenile.‭ ‬Additionally,‭ ‬Aorun has only twelve teeth in the maxilla‭ (‬while the premaxilla has an additional four‭)‬,‭ ‬while adult forms of other coelurosaurs are known to have fifteen or more.

       Aorun is known from the Shishugou Formation of China,‭ ‬the study of which can give us a clue to what other dinosaurs Aorun came into contact with.‭ ‬For a start,‭ ‬Aorun was not the only coelurosaur,‭ ‬Zuolong was also present.‭ ‬In addition to this other theropods such as Sinraptor,‭ ‬Monolophosaurus and even the basal tyrannosauroid Guanlong were also present.‭ ‬Aorun may have also come into contact with sauropods such as Mamenchisaurus and Bellusaurus as well as very primitive ceratopsians such as Yinlong and stegosaurs such as Jiangjunosaurus.‭ ‬Over the heads of these dinosaurs,‭ ‬pterosaurs such as Sericipterus would have flown.

Further Reading

-‭ ‬A juvenile specimen of a new coelurosaur‭ (‬Dinosauria:‭ ‬Theropoda‭) ‬from the Middle–Late Jurassic Shishugou Formation of Xinjiang,‭ ‬People’s Republic of China,‭ ‬J.‭ ‬N.‭ ‬Choiniere,‭ ‬J.‭ ‬M.‭ ‬Clark,‭ ‬C.‭ ‬M.‭ ‬Forster,‭ ‬M.‭ ‬A.‭ ‬Norell,‭ ‬D.‭ ‬A.‭ ‬Eberth,‭ ‬G.‭ ‬M.‭ ‬Erickson,‭ ‬H.‭ ‬Chu‭ & ‬X.‭ ‬Xu‭ ‬-‭ ‬2013.

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