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Claire Morris

Marine Paleontologist

Claire Morris has dedicated her career to exploring the depths of prehistoric oceans. Her fascination with ancient marine life has led her to discover significant fossils that illuminate the evolution of early sea creatures.

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Janenschia ‭(‬named after Werner Janensch‭)‬.



Named By

Rupert Wild‭ ‬-‭ ‬1991.


Chordata,‭ ‬Reptilia,‭ ‬Dinosauria,‭ ‬Saurischia,‭ ‬Sauropodomorpha,‭ ‬Sauropoda,‭ ‬Titanosauria.




J.‭ ‬robusta‭


Uncertain due to lack of remains,‭ ‬but size estimates have ranged from‭ ‬15-24‭ ‬meters long.

Known locations

Tanzania‭ ‬-‭ ‬Tendaguru Formation.

Time Period

Kimmeridgian to Tithonian of the Jurassic.

Fossil representation

Partial post cranial remains including vertebrae and limb bones.

In Depth

       Janenschia is a genus of titanosaur that has a classification history closely tied to the African diplodocid sauropod Torneria and by extension the North American Barosaurus and the English Gigantosaurus.‭

       We start in England in‭ ‬1869‭ ‬when Harry Govier Seeley named Gigantosaurus based upon a few vertebrae,‭ ‬partial limb bones and an osteoderm.‭ ‬Fast forward to‭ ‬1908‭ ‬and the German palaeontologist Eberhard Fraas creates a‭ ‘‬new‭’ ‬genus of sauropod dinosaur as Gigantosaurus based upon fossils recovered‭ ‬in Tanzania‭ ‬in‭ ‬1907.‭ ‬Fraas is aware of Seeley’s Gigantosaurus,‭ ‬but decides to reuse the name anyway upon the basis that he did not consider Seeley’s description complete as well as the remains being considered by many other palaeontologists to be synonymous to other genera.‭ ‬However,‭ ‬names of animals cannot be used‭ ‬again once an original usage has been logged,‭ ‬even if it turns out later that that name is a synonym of another.‭ ‬So in‭ ‬1911‭ ‬another German palaeontologist named Richard Sternfeld renamed the African fossils as Tornieria.

       When Tornieria was established there were two separate species,‭ ‬the type species T.‭ ‬africana and a second species T.‭ ‬robusta‭ (‬both derived from G.‭ ‬africana and G.‭ ‬robusta as originally outlined by Fraas‭)‬.‭ ‬In‭ ‬1922‭ ‬a further German palaeontologist named Werner Janensch examined the type species fossils and declared them to be synonymous with the North American genus Barosaurus.‭ ‬With the type species‭ ‘‬dissolved‭’‬,‭ ‬T.‭ ‬robusta could no longer be classed as Torneria upon the basis that there was no type species to refer it too.‭ ‬It would not be until‭ ‬1991‭ ‬however that T.‭ ‬robusta was renamed as a new genus named Janenschia by Rupert Wild.

       One of the things to come to light from the creation of Janenschia was that the original fossils first described in‭ ‬1908‭ ‬were actually those of a titanosaur,‭ ‬not a diplodocid sauropod.‭ ‬This realisation meant that even when Janenschia was known as T.‭ ‬robusta‭ (‬and earlier G.‭ ‬robusta‭)‬,‭ ‬it was never actually related to T.‭ ‬africana.‭ ‬This is why when the Tornieria genus was resurrected in‭ ‬2006‭ ‬by Kristian Remes on the basis of several key differences from Barosaurus‭ (‬as well as appearing on separate continents‭)‬,‭ ‬Janenschia remained separate.

       When Janenschia was created the original species name was retained to create the new type species,‭ ‬therefore Tornieria robusta became Janenschia robusta.‭ ‬The genus name is in honour of Werner Janensch.‭ ‬Unfortunately Janenschia still remains little known and further fossil discoveries of the genus are sorely needed in order to reveal more detail about this dinosaur.‭

Further Reading

-‭ ‬Janenschia n.‭ ‬g.‭ ‬robusta‭ (‬E.‭ ‬Fraas‭ ‬1908‭) ‬pro Tornieria robusta‭ (‬E.‭ ‬Fraas‭ ‬1908‭) (‬Reptilia,‭ ‬Saurischia,‭ ‬Sauropodomorpha‭) [‬Janenschia n.‭ ‬g.‭ ‬robusta‭ (‬E.‭ ‬Fraas‭ ‬1908‭) ‬for Tornieria robusta‭ (‬E.‭ ‬Fraas‭ ‬1908‭) (‬Reptilia,‭ ‬Saurischia,‭ ‬Sauropodomorpha‭)] ‬-‭ ‬Rupert Wild‭ ‬-‭ ‬1991.

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